Part 16

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The next week flew by and it was now New Years Eve and Aston and Emma were having everyone round theres for the evening. They had hired caterers to cook everything so they were setting up downstairs and they were upstairs getting ready. ‘OMG this suuuuuuccccks’ Emma was screaming which caused Aston to come out of the shower dripping wet, ‘Babe whats up?’ ‘Aston it’s all your fault’ ‘Wait….. what?..... whats all my fault’ ‘I can’t fit into this dress and its all your fault. you got me pregnant!’

Aston POV

Emma’s pregnancy has been going well apart from her hormones are everywhere I know she doesn’t mean it so I don’t take it to heart. After she had walked out in her latest tiz I shoved a clean pair of boxers on and walked over to her wardrobe and picked out the maternity dress she brought the other day and walked over to the bathroom where she sat down on the side of the bath. ‘How about this one?’ she looked up and nodded her head I helped her into the dress and pulled her in for a hug.

Emma POV

Aston pulled me into a hug I feel so guilty for shouting I just can’t help it. I looked up to Aston, ‘I’m so sorry but I am gonna make it up to you as I have decided I am ready to tell everyone that I am pregnant’ Aston looked down at me, ‘You sure? I don’t mind keeping it a secret for much longer’ I couldn’t help but laugh at that. I just looked down at my bump and started stroking it, ‘Aston that’s sweet but look at my bump. I am 5 months pregnant with twins how we have managed to keep it a secret until now is beyond me' I am so luky to have a guy like Ast he has to put up with me especially when I'm so hormonal like I am right now. He has said he won't drink tonight because I won't be drinking he's been so good like that but I knew he wanted one but he wouldn't give in. I went downstairs to check everything was ready as people would start arriving soon and I left Ast to get ready. I looked down at my phone and saw that I had a new mention on twitter. I clicked on it and started grinning as it read - *2011- big year #ansaa Outta This World Tour and me and @1993jlsfan are gonna be Parents that's right I'm gonna be a daddy to twins :P Axxx*

I know I’m skipping like 3 months but oh wells :P enjoy anyway xx

Aston POV

I can’t believe how fast the past three months have gone. It has been amazing touring going all over the country singing and meeting all our fans. It has been especially good as Emma has been on the road with us so that I haven’t missed anything throughout the pregnancy which has been going well. Just got to do pretty much everything this week as the baby could come any week now. I still can’t believe in possibly less than a months’ time I am going to be a Dad I’m so excited. I keep talking about it with the boys they are also excited about it but they all say its strange as they always thought I was gonna be the last to settle down. I guess it just proves that all you need is the right girl to come along and change you and I’ve found my perfect girl in Emma

Emma POV

I can't believe how much stuff we still need to do . Although it has been amazing being on tour with the boys seeing Ast do what he loves every night. He hasn't missed anything in the pregnancy because I was there with him. Not gonna lie though it is nice for us to be back in our own house and in our own bed. I am absolutely huge now its got to the point where I am uncomfortable all the time and I pee like no ones business. Aston tries to help me get as comfortable as I can but I just want our babies here now.

The next morning they were led in bed talking about baby names and what they needed to get today. They already had the nurseries painted whilst they were on tour they just needed all the furniture and clothes etc. ‘Babe are we gonna get up then?’ Aston said getting up and putting some boxers on , 'Yeah defo' Emma screamed jumping (well as much as a heavily pregnant lady can)

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