Part 3

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The next five days went by surprisingly quick with them talking to each other at everyday either on skype or on the phone as well as the endless chats on bbm so Friday came soon enough. Emma had a change of mind when she finished work on Friday evening she decided instead of getting a take away she would cook them a lovely meal to eat in front of the TV. With that thought she texted Reesh and Marv – Hey guys, I’m going to cook me and Ast a meal tonight if that’s okay with you Marv? Could you let me in please Marv about 7.30 and Reesh could you keep Ast busy until at least 8.30? Thanks Emma xxx They both replied saying that it was fine with that I went home to get changed in my jeans and top. I then started making my way to Aston and Marv’s place knowing that it would take ages to get to their place in rush hour and popping into Tesco to get all the ingredients for our lovely meal.

It was just after half seven when I reached his apartment I snuck in through the back garden entrance that they have with a code on and Marv opened the back door for me. Rochelle was there as well they were clearly going out somewhere nice tonight as they were both dressed up really nice. I put the stuff in the kitchen before coming back into the lounge and gave them both a hug and said ‘Hey.’ Marv then asked me, ‘so what has he done to deserve this then?’ winking at me I replied, ‘I missed him so much thought I would make him his favourite meal.’ Rochelle looked at me with a puzzled expression, ‘you’re cooking him tuna pasta?’ ‘well I know my man’ I said with a little bit of a giggle which Marvin joined in with before kissing me on the cheek and saying to Rochelle, ‘Come on babe we better start going now’ then turning to me and says, ‘have fun tonight see you in the morning’ and goes out the door. I hadn’t been cooking for more than two minutes before I got a text from Reesh – Sorry babe he isn’t having any of it he wants to come home to get ready to see you I tried really hard will be back in 2 mins sorry Reesh x I text back – Okay thanks for trying Emma x. The next thing I know Aston’s through the door shouting to Reesh, ‘sorry man we’ll definatly go out for a pint some other time’ then shuts the door behind him. He can clearly hear someone is in the kitchen because the next thing I know he’s coming in the kitchen saying, ‘Marv bro I thought…. Wait your not Marv come here beautiful’ with a huge grin on his face. I turn the hob down and run towards and jump on him giving him the biggest hug ever as he does the same. I then kiss him on the lips and whisper in his ear, ‘I’ve missed you soo much!’ ‘Missed you too babe.’ Once I have finally let go Aston looks at the hob and asks, ‘babe what’s this? I thought we were getting a take out?’ ‘Well, I thought u deserved a treat after this week so I’m cooking your favourite… tuna pasta’ I said giving it a stir. ‘You shouldn’t have babe but I’m not gonna say no to tuna pasta’ he replied as I plated it up and we took our plates into the lounge and ate in front of the TV.

As we were eating our dinner Aston suddenly got up and ran into the hall way then came running back with a box in his hands then sat back down and turned to me. ‘I can’t believe I nearly forgot to give you your present’ he said handing over the box to me as I open it. I open the box removing the ribbon first then moving the top of the box and seeing a new key. I turn to Aston and ask,’ what’s this all about?’ ‘Well I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently and I want you to move in with me. I have asked Marv and he has said it fine. So what do you think?’ ‘Okay’ I said trying to hide my excitment. We then grabbed the blanket over our laps and snuggled as Aston pressed play on the DVD player and says, ‘what have you chosen for us then tonight?’ ....

Aston POV

Man she has The Pursuit of Happiness she knows this film makes me cry its just so sweet. Oh Well she said yes to moving in with me so happy about it but it is going to be harder to hide our relationship with her moving in now we might have to have another discussion about it. Wait Aston don’t do this right now she’s just made you really happy don’t rock it yet wait at least until Sunday.

Emma POV

I can’t believe Aston has just asked me to move in I’m so happy right now. I chose to watch the Pursuit of Happiness one of the best films ever I know it makes Aston cry which is so cute.

About half way through the film Aston said he was getting hot so took off his top. Well no matter how many times I see him topless I still stare at it and get lost in his perfect abs each one as much defined as the last. I was just gazing at them then Ast pushed me back so I was lying on the sofa and he turned off the TV. He then turned around and kissed me hard on the lips and said, ‘now if you are going to do that I’m taking you up to bed.’ He grabbed my hand and we ran up the stairs to the bedroom with Aston tickling, kissing me and and taking my top off. We land on the bed still kissing and I feel Astons tongue sliding into my mouth. He then ran out the room saying, ‘give me one minute babe.’ As he ran out I quickly got undressed and got into my sexy underwear and led on the bed waiting for Ast. He then ran back into the bedroom with our tops and dumped them on the floor and kicked the door shut….

‘Now where we we?’ He said eyeing me up, biting his bottom lip and moving towards the bed. We start making out as I start unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them down and he kicked them off and led on top of me as he caressed my face then kissed me then moved down kissing all of my body removing my underwear in the process. I pulled in duvet over us as I hear a foil drop on the floor Aston then roll back over to the side of me and we start making out. He then rolls me over so he is on top of me and says, ‘are you sure about this?’ I simply nod my head and well you can get the rest.

When I woke up I had Aston’s arms still around my waist where they were when we fell asleep last night. I try to wriggle out of his protective cuddle but I accidently wake him so say, ‘morning, Last night was amazing’ with a stupid grin on my face as I turn over to face him. ‘Morning beautiful, I’m glad you enjoyed it’ he says with a little wink at me. ‘What time is it?’ he asks as he looks at the clock. ‘SHIT!’ he says once he sees that it is 10 am and jumps out of bed putting some boxers on. ‘What’s wrong babe? You don’t have work today come back to bed.’ ‘It’s a surprise babe you just lie there and I will come and get you when you can come down just relax.

Emma POV

I wonder what Ast is up to he seemed to move very quick this morning as if he was late for something. Well I guess I will have to wait so I start flicking through my magazines whilst I wait for Aston to come back.

Aston ran down the stairs as fast as he could into the kitchen where Marv was. ‘I’m so sorry Marv we overslept what can I help you with?’ Marvin joined in with the overslept part and replied,’ I’ve got this undercontrol why don’t you sort out the dining room? Anyway how did last night go?’ ‘Brilliant thanks we have a new flat mate. What about your evening?’ ‘Fantastic bruv thanks she said yes!’ ‘Congrats Bro’ Aston said and went and gave Marv a man hug. ‘Thanks’ said Marv ‘we’ll talk more later when we’re with the girls don’t have much more to do here.’ ‘Same shall we go get the girls then?’ Aston replied…..

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