Part 12

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Emma POV

I can’t believe it I am still in complete shock. The ring is perfect in every way its the correct size and everything. Throughout our dinner I keep looking at Aston then back at my ring smiling then thinking to myself I am going to be Mrs Merrygold.

Aston POV

She said Yes!! I don’t think I could be any more happier right now. We agreed over dinner that we would keep it to ourselves until we have told our family and friends.

Once they had finished dinner Emma put the ring back in the box just incase the paps had found them. Aston paid the waiter then they went to the hotel. Emma called her her best friends to let them know the happy news. After they had both called their families to let them know the happy news. Aston texted the boys – Boys there’s gonna be a Mrs Merrygold coming down the aisle soon :D Ast. Everyone congratulated them and said how happy they were for them. Emma decided to send a little tweet out Officially had the best Birthday ever! Thanks to the best boyfriend ever Love you @jlsofficial Ast <3xx before joining Aston on the bed after slipping out of her dress.

Aston then got on top of Emma stradling her and whispered in her ear ‘why don’t we celebrate’ pulling the covers over them. At 4am Emma turned to Aston and started nibbling on his ear ‘mmmm what time is it babe’ ‘Doesn’t matter I want to celebrate some more’ ‘But don’t you have your period’ ‘No it must be a bit late’ Aston woke up immediatly putting a condom on before sliding himself into Emma.

When they woke properly they did the normal tourist things such as the Eiffel Tower during the day. Aston had arranged for a photoshoot in the evening as part of Emma’s birthday present so they can have some photos to put around the house of their engagment. After the photoshoot and the tiring day they had they just ordered a take away and ate it up in their room and watched films in bed.

‘Thank you for this weekend Ast it has been the best weekend ever’ ‘You’re welcome I’d do anything for my Fiance’ Emma still grinned from ear to ear whenever he said that. She kissed him on the lips before turning off the light, lying down and whispering to Aston, ‘Night Ast’ ‘Night Emma’ he whispered back putting his arms around her waist and them both falling asleep.

The next morning Ast woke up to see the bathroom light on and Emma missing from the bed. He walked into the bathroom to see Emma’s head down the toilet he got a glass of water and took it to her.

Aston POV

I took the glass of water over to Emma and held her hair back waiting for her to finish throwing up. Once she had finished she took the water swirled her mouth out, spat it out and sat down by the toilet. I asked her sensitively, ‘How many times have you been sick babes?’ She replied with, ‘Five……. wait six’ as she threw up again as I held her hair back. ‘Babe can I ask you something?’ ‘Yeah sure’ she replied sitting back down next to the toilet. ‘Okay, I know last night you said it might be late but…… has your period started Emma?’ I guessed by the silence that the answer was no.

Emma POV

Aston asked me if my period has started, the answer was no but I just said nothing. I just though back to that night a month or so back. I still can’t remember if we had sex or not and I never plucked up the courage to ask Aston. He sat next to me and took both my hands in his and said, ‘Babe. I think you might be pregant’That was it the tears came rolling down my face. Aston pulled me and hugged me, ‘No matter what the outcome is I love you and whatever you want to do is fine by me. I’m going to the pharmacy and getting a test’

There it was before then two little pink lines with 6-8 weeks next to it. Aston turned to Emma and saw her crying, ‘what’s the matter babe? Why you crying?’ He looked concerned going over to her to hug her. ‘Nothings the matter I’m just happy. We’re going to be a proper family Ast – Me, You and Our Baby’ Aston kissed Emma on the lips then lifted her top up and kissed her stomach. He then puts his arms round Emma’s waist and whispered in her ear, ‘We are going to be proper family I will never do anything to hurt you or our baby.’ There was then a knock at the door and room service brought breakfast in for them. They led in bed eating their breakfast getting excited about the baby and talking about names. Aston then turned to Emma and asked, ‘I am so excited for this baby to come into the world but do you have any idea when our baby was concieved? I know its bad but I can’t think when it could have been we have always been careful’ Emma put her head on Aston’s bare chest and they both put their hands on Emma’s stomach as she said, ‘the only time I can think of it might being was that one night and we both got really drunk. I remember you offering for us to have sex but I can’t remember the rest of the night and if we actually did or not. I guess we know the answer now but I feel so bad.’

Emma POV

I can’t believe we are going to be a proper family. I am feeling mixed emotions at the moment I’m happy because I am pregnant but I feel so bad that I can’t even remember the night our baby was concieved just thinking about it makes me cry. Aston keeps drying my tears and telling me that I am going to be a great Mum but I still can’t help feeling guilty about it.

Aston POV

I always thought that when I was going to have children I would be married and they would be planned but I can’t wait to be a Daddy. Emma keeps feeling bad about not being able to remember that night she’s going to make a great Mum and she shouldn’t feel guilty. I guess its all the hormones kicking in.

Once they had got back they moved into their new house. Emma’s morning sickness was quite bad but Aston was there everytime holding her hair back and with a glass of water for after. Emma heard the rustle of bags coming from downstairs before the door shutting and Aston calling up the stairs, ‘Babe, I’m back.’ Emma came downstairs in her onesie (the one Aston had got her after her and the boys were taking the piss out of him) ‘wait there babe I will come and join you.’

He came back in his dark blue onesie with no top on underneath and his zipper only done half the way up. You could see the top bit of his six pack it turned Emma on instantly. She went over to Aston and started kissing him as her mouth opened and their tongues touched she put her hands around his neck as he put his round her back. They then pulled away and started to unpack the shopping then went and led on the sofa to watch a bit of TV.

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