Part 1

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It was a Sunday evening and Emma was sat at the table doing the last of her marking before going back to school on Monday whilst Aston was in the kitchen on the phone to Marv in the other room. Aston then came into the living room as Emma says, ‘Thank God that marking is done I need a glass of wine after this!’ Aston then goes up behind Emma and grabs her round her waist and starts carrying her up the steps to the bedroom as he says in his most sexiest voice, ‘Don’t try to get away because you know you can’t get out of the love grip.’ Emma knew this all too well so just relaxed and put her cheek on Aston’s chest. They then both reach the bedroom and Aston jumps on to the bed and starts caressing her cheeks and saying, ‘You do know I love you’ in between breaths as he starts kissing her lips slowly. His lips were lovely and soft almost like being kissed by a rose they were so gentle she started kissing him back as they rolled over to get on the bed more he started to move down off her lips and started kissing down her neck as Emma started lifting his top over his head. After a minute or two of some heavy making out they pull away from each other slightly out of breath and just lay next to each other for a minute or two just gazing into each others eyes. The silence was broke by Aston who softly said, ‘Babe I am taking you out for dinner tonight as a end of half term treat we’ll go to Nandos like we used to back in the day, my treat.’ ‘But Ast we’ve had a half term treat everyday of this half term.’ ‘Now Babe, since when has it been such a crime for a guy to want to treat his girlfriend?’ ‘Ahbababa’ he said putting a single finger on Emma’s lips before she could even open her mouth to say anything, ‘I’m going to go home, grab a shower and I will pick you back up in an hour okay! I love you’ he says as he walks down the stairs to go back to his place after giving Emma a quick peck on the lips. Emma shouts back ‘Love you more’ as she hears the door shut behind him. She sits up in the bed and just before she’s about to get up to have a shower she here’s her phone vibrate and reads the text – Babe I heard what you said and its not possible :) Now go and get ready see you in an hour:) Axxx She did exactly as the text told her to and got up and went to get in the shower with a huge grin on her face.

Emma POV

I wish Ast wouldn’t do things like this I know he is trying to be sweet and romantic and don’t get me wrong it is but I wish he would let me pay or do something. I have loved the past week and spending all this time with Ast gonna suck when I have to go back tomorrow

Aston POV

I know she thinks I spoil her and I have to admit it I do but its just the way I show how much I love her. I hope she isn’t annoyed at me for taking her out again tonight as I am gonna ask her to move in tonight. I’ve talked it over with Marv and he’s fine for her to move in with us. I just hope she says yes ….

You've Got My Love - JLS Fanfic (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora