Part 2

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I hear the doorbell ring about an hour later and I instantly smiled knowing that it was going to be Aston. I grabbed my clutch bag and went out the door. ‘WOW! You look amazing babe, wish I made a bit more effort now.’ I was wearing one of my LBDs with diamontes round the bust with my silver slip on sandles. My hair was simply straight and just hanging to the side of my loosely. Aston didn’t look to bad himself he was wearing a pair of dark blue denim jeans, a crisp white shirt with the top few buttons undone expossing a little bit of a chest and of course a beenie hat. ‘You look fine babe’ I said as he put his hand on my thigh as we sat down in the front of car with his bodyguards in the back.

Once we had reached Nandos which was about half an hour later Aston got out first along with one of his bodyguards and the girls came screaming towards him so whilst he did photos and autographs I stayed in the car whilst he other bodyguard parked it. I then got out the car and walked into Nandos where Aston’s bodyguard was waiting for me and escorted me to the back of Nandos where there was an area for us where the windows were blacked out and no one could see us. Aston pulled my chair out and tucked me in like a true gentleman before sitting down himself. The waiter must have come and taken our order whilst I went to the toilet as when I came back the table was full of food. I sit back down and I asked, ‘ did you order enough for everyone in the restaurant?’ ‘Nope I wasn’t sure what you wanted tonight so I ordered all your favourites but don’t worry if you can’t eat it all I’ve got your back.’ All through the dinner we kept explaining how much we were going to miss each other when Aston goes away. The thought of not being with Aston every day is killing me I have no idea how I am going to cope when he goes on tour. At one point I started welling up at the thought of being without Aston for so long. When Aston saw me starting to cry he took my hand and kissed it as if it was as light as a feather and whispered across the table, ‘I’m not going anywhere far. I will speak to you every day it will be like I’m there. Promise’ before kissing it again and us both eating some more.

It never stopped amazing me how much Aston could eat for someone of his height and not get fat! We sat and talked for an hour even after we had finished all our food with Aston holding my hands across the table for most of the time. He then signalled the waiter and got the bill and of course he wouldn’t let me put any money towards it. We then both sneaked out the back entrance and got into Astons car, we both got in ther back and Aston’s bodyguard drove the car and by this time it wasn’t any later than 9pm. He asked him,’ where are we taking you two to?’ Aston looked at me and asked me,‘stay at mine tonight?’ Emma didn’t need much persuading to stay the night as she knew in the morning Aston would be away for the rest of the week on a radio tour to promote the boys upcoming tour. So they went back to Emma’s to let her grab her stuff for school the next day then went on to Aston’s apartment.

It was a quite ride home to his apartment as Emma still hadn’t got used to having Aston’s bodyguards in the car which Aston found quite funny and forever telling her to take no notice of them. So she simply rested her head on Aston’s chest as he stroke her hair. Emma raised her head a little so she could see Aston more and said,‘Babe, thanks for this evening I loved it and I love you’ ‘Awwww babes it was my pleasure and I love you too.’ She lay her head back down on Aston’s chest and just relaxed.

Emma POV

Man I must have been really tired last night as one minute I’m in the car with Aston stroking my hair and now my alarm is going off to Everybody in Love and its 6.30am. I turn over to look where Aston sleeps and I see a little note –

Hope you slept well babe you were knackered last night you fell asleep after 5 mins in the car your stuff is all in the hall. Didn’t want to wake you this morning were on Chris Moyles at 7 tune in. I will call you when your on lunch :) Can’t wait to see you when I’m back on Friday :) Love Ast xxx

Aston POV

Man Emma was knackered last night she fell asleep almost instantly. I made sure that I didn’t wake her when I left this morning I simply left her a note. Not going to lie I was a little annoyed she did fall asleep as I was planning to ask her to move in with me and Marv I guess I will have to wait until I see her gorgous face on Friday night.

The next few hours dragged by I was longing for lunchtime so I can speak to Aston. When Lunchtime came and I was so excited I walked down to the local park so that I could have some privacy. It was just after I had sat down on a bench that Aston called. I picked up on the first ring and said before he could say anything, ‘Babe I am soooo sorry about last night I didn’t realise I was that tired I didn’t mean to go to sleep you should have woken me up it wasn’t that late.’ All I can hear is Ast at the end of the phone laughing, ‘Emma, honestly there is no need to apologise babe I wouldn’t wake you, you were so tired and you look so cute when you are asleep.’ We spoke for about 10 minutes before Aston said, ‘Babe I’ve got to go now were at our next stop will speak later promise but before I forget how about a night in on Friday? You, Me, a bunch of films and a takeaway? About 9 ish? Then Marv will be out with Rochelle’ ‘Yeah sounds good now don’t you have to go and be a Pop star or whatever you do’ she said sarcastically to which he replies, ‘Yeah, something like that love you’ ‘Love you too’

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