Part 7

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Once they had reached the studio Aston grabbed Emma’s hand , ‘Ready?’ ‘As ready as I’ll ever be.’ They both took a deep breath in and Emma walked straight in whilst Aston took pictures with the fans. When Emma got in the studio all the boys came up to her and gave her a hug and made sure she was okay. ‘I’m fine boys honestly it’s just a bit of a shock that’s all. What you guys recording today?’ Emma said trying to change the subject or she knew she would cry. ‘Funny enough you should ask babe. We only wrote this song a couple of days after we got together just listen.’ Marvin took one look at Aston and all the boys started laughing at him, ‘Ast what on earth are you wearing?’ ‘Shut up bruv there very comfy and I am not getting out of it.’

Emma POV

OMG I can’t believe they wrote that song it is amazing I love it so much. It’s called That’s My Girl and I know that I am biased but this is the best JLS song so far. Every time I looked into the recording booth when Ast was in there he was smiling and winking at me. God he is such a poser its funny and I told him not to wear it he’s getting so much stick for it LOL

Once Aston had recorded his parts he was allowed to go so they went home to get ready for some drinks later on. Emma and Aston stopped in town on the way home because Aston said that he wanted to collect something from some shop and Emma went to get their Nandos for dinner. They met back in the car half an hour later. ‘ So what was soo important that you needed to get it today?’ Emma asked as Aston put his stuff in the boot, ‘ahhh nothing just some bits and bobs for the house you know the usual.’ Emma didn’t question this anymore she just wanted to go home and eat the Nandos and get ready for tonight. When they reached the apartment there were tonnes of paps outside, ‘Emma if you go in the apartment straight away then I will come and bring the bags in.’

They both got out the car and the paps were screaming, flashes were everywhere “Emma, Aston, Over Here, Go On Give Her A Kiss” Emma opened the door and Aston followed. ‘You okay?’ Aston asked coming back into the kitchen from putting his shopping away seeing Emma rubbing her eyes. ‘Yeah I’m fine it’s just my eyes are all funny from all the flashing from the camera but nothing to stop me from eating my Nandos’ she replies as she puts their Nandos on the plates. Aston’s phone then started ringing he saw who it was then pressed reject. ‘You not gonna answer that babe?’ ‘Nah its only Marv I can call him back later.’ They grabbed their plates and went and sat down on the sofa and ate their meal. ‘Man I am stuffed after that’ Emma moaned lying back onto Aston’s lap, Aston started stroking her hair, ‘awww too much for you babe?’ he replied sitting up ‘we better start getting ready if we are meeting the boys in two hours.’

They both got up and put their plates in the dishwasher before going upstairs to shower and get ready. ‘You go in the shower in here babes I will go in the spare bathroom’ Ast told Emma as they reached the top of the stairs. They walked off in separate directions and Aston called Marv back as soon as he heard the shower start and Marv answered on the first call ‘Did you get it alright?’ ‘yeah thanks it is soo beautiful I can’t wait to show you guys tomorrow. I won’t be able to show you tonight but Emma’s staying in tomorrow and unpacking all her stuff tomorrow so will bring it to the studio. I even got everyone a present tonight which I am stoked to give you’ ‘Okay I’m soo happy for you Bruv see you later.’ They both hung up and Aston went and had a shower to get ready for tonight.

Aston walked back into the bedroom and Emma was drying her hair and he crept up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around. Emma turned around and kissed him passionately and Aston returned the kiss just as passionately. Next thing they knew they were rolling on the bed and had lost their towels in the process their lips not parting apart from quick breaths. Aston then started kissing her neck and Emma started to moan quietly and then whispered, ‘Babe shouldn’t we get ready if we are meeting the guys later?’ ‘I’m sure the boys would understand’ Aston replied pulling Emma on top of him and kissing her hard.

A couple of hours later Emma and Aston turned up at the club and were escorted to the VIP section and were greeted my two shots each which they downed before they even sat down. ‘Good of you two to join us’ JB said laughing as they sat down, ‘Yeah sorry about that something came up that we had to take care of’ Aston said winking at Emma and they both start laughing. ‘Now before we are all too drunk to remember I have a little present for everyone’ Aston said as he handed out boxes to everyone, they all open them and laugh. ‘There is no way I am wearing that I have too much swag for that’ ‘I’m with Reesh on this one Ast’ JB replied ‘yeah, yeah I bet you will go home and try it on and not take it off Ast said as he ordered some more drinks for everyone. ‘As for you missy’ he said turning to Emma, ‘I will personally help you get in yours I might even join you’ he whispered that part in her ear.

The Next Morning …….

Emma POV

Last night was sooo much fun I didn’t think I had that much too drink but I guess I did bearing in mind I can’t remember much of the evening apart from the part where Ast gave us our presents (talking of which I have no idea where mine is) and the part where we got back and Aston suggested we had sex but I can’t remember if we did or didn’t. Aston must had been gone ages bearing in mind the text that I got at 6 this morning from him –

Morning beautiful, hope you enjoyed yourself last night :) You can even wear your present today coz your only unpacking will be back about 4 ish :D I Love You A xxxx PS Sorry if I woke you

At the studio and the boys are on their break

Reesh – ‘I can’t believe you’re going to do this bro’

JB – ‘The baby of the group is growing up’

Marv – ‘Forget the baby of the group my little bro is about to become a man’

Ast – ‘Guys stop it you’ll make me blush, I still can’t believe I am going to do this but not a word to Emma or anyone else I still need to ask her Dad’s permission’

JB – ‘So when is all of this gonna happen so we can wish you good luck not that you will need it’

Ast – ‘Well I’m gonna ask Steve (Emma’s Dad) when we go up in a couple of weeks’ time then was gonna ask her when I take her to Paris for her Birthday so won’t actually ask her for another month. I know we have only been going out for 5 months now but honestly guys I know she’s the one. There’s not a moment I don’t think about her. I’ve never felt like this before and I want to feel like it for the rest of my life.

Aston closed the box and put it back in his pocket ‘Boys you’re needed in the studio now.’ All four of them got up the other three looked back at Aston who had a huge grin on his face they had never seen him so happy before.

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