Part 6

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Emma had finally decided on what she wanted to do she loved Aston and it came at a cost but she decided nothing was worth paying more than having him as hers. She had it all planned if this is what they were going to do it then it was going to be done all she had to do was tell Aston. With this she gave him a text – I’m ready to talk my place 30 mins or so? Emma xxx She got a reply back straight away – Near yours anway will be 5 tops Axxx

No longer had she put down her phone from reading the text she heard a knock at the back door and went to answer it. Aston just looked at her wanting an answer straight away. ‘Well are you not coming in?’ Emma asked just looking at Aston. ‘Just put me out of my misery Emma the past week has been hell.’ ‘If you still want a roomma….’ ‘YES!!! Of course I do’ Aston said kissing her like he had never kissed her before. Emma started kissing him back before pulling away and saying, ‘ there are conditions though’ ‘Anything to be with you babe.’

Emma explained to Aston as they started packing up her stuff up that she is going to hand in her notice tomorrow so that she will leave in two weeks time at the end of the term then they were going to announce it through a magazine so we can get all the details that we want in to avoid any rubbish articles written about them. Aston couldn’t disagree with it he agreed totally he was so happy right now he couldn’t help but tweet – Got some very good news to tell you guys soon #ansaa Axx. Emma walked over seeing this, ‘you just can’t help yourself can you’ she said with a smile. Aston turned around and put his arms round her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

Aston POV

The boys must have seen the tweet as they were all texting me saying how happy they were for us that we worked things out. I can’t wait to be able to not sneak around so we can do things like a normal ish couple without being worried about being papped.

They went back to Aston’s place that night but making sure not to be papped. They were led in bed with Emma resting her head on his bare chest and Aston putting his arm around her. Emma then turned around and started kissing Aston. He kissed her back sliding his tongue in her mouth. He then worked his way down her neck kissing it delicatly then lightly biting it. ‘And what do you think your doing?’ Emma asked in between giggles as by this point Aston was tickling her. ‘Giving you a love bite coz I love you’ he replied tickiling Emma some more. ‘Aston stop! Please’ Emma screamed with laugher ‘or what’ ‘or I will have to do this’ Emma said wacking him with with a pillow ‘Right that’s it its war now’ Aston said as Emma ran across the room taking the pillow with her as they were hitting each other with the pillows then running back and jumping on the bed. ‘Let’s promise not to argue again I missed you too much’ ‘Yeah I missed you too. Now let’s get some sleep I have school in the morning and you have to be in the studio.’ Emma turned on her side Aston put one arm around her waist and stroked her hair until she was asleep then whispered in her ear ‘I love you’ little did Aston knew Emma heard that and she turned around kissed him on the lips and said, ‘ I love you too Ast’ and they both went to sleep with smiles on their faces.

Aston woke up before the alarm the next morning well to be precise he had been up since 4am. He had been in the gym for two hours then made him and Emma some breakfast and took it up to her as the alarm went off. ‘Morning beautiful’ ‘Morning Ast. What time were you up?’ ‘Well I’ve been up since 4 and been in the gym. Gotta keep myself in shape don’t I? Plus I have so much energy’ ‘You don’t have to stay in shape for my benefit you know’ ‘Really? Because you appear to be staring at them right now.’ ‘Totally not’ Emma by this time was bright red eating her toast as she watched Aston walk into the bathroom and had a shower. Emma had just finished her breakfast when Aston came out in just a towel round his waist an sat on the bed. ‘Thanks for the breakfast babe it was lovely.’ ‘You’re welcome’ Aston replied kissing her before she got up and went in the bathroom herself.

Emma came out of the shower and took one look at Aston and just laughed. ‘What is so funny babe?’ ‘You’re not seriously going out in public wearing that are you? I know you’re only in a recording studio but really that?’ ‘I don’t see what the problem is’ Aston said looking down at himself in his onzie. ‘Anyway’ he continued ‘it’s comfortable, easy to get on and off and I like it so there.’ ‘Okay if you want to wear that then on your own head be it.’ Ten minutes later Aston shouted up the stairs, ‘You ready babe? We need to leave in 10 minutes.’ ‘Okay just getting all my things.’ She walked downstairs and Aston locked the front door, grabbed the box full of the school books Emma had to take in and they both walked down the back path locking the door behind them. They got in Aston’s car and he drove Emma to work they kissed and Emma started to get out the car when Aston pulled her arm back to kiss her again. ‘I’ve got to go now Aston’ ‘Just one more?’ Aston asked giving her the puppy dog eyes that he knew that she couldn’t resist. ‘Okay’ Emma said as she gets back in the car as Aston’s phone started to ring. Aston looked at it, ‘One sec babe its just Stacey from management’ ‘Aston is Emma there’ ‘Ummmmm yeah why?’ ‘Put me on speakerphone I have something to tell you guys something.’

Emma POV

I can’t believe the press have found out about me and Aston before I had even had my last week. I couldn’t help it I felt the anger build up inside me as Stacey was explaining our options and the tears started. We decided to call a meeting with Ast’s management followed by a press conference it wasn’t how I wanted it but I suppose that’s what I get for falling in love with a pop star. I went into school quickly to drop everything off and say goodbye to everyone luckily the head teacher at the school I taught at understood so I left straight away but we are all going out for drinks on Friday to say goodbye properly

Aston POV

WTF?! I don’t understand how they found out about us I’m sooo pissed off right now all I want to do is cry but I can’t coz I have to be strong for Emma as she has basically broke down. Don’t get me wrong I love the fact that I get to do what I love for my job but its times like this where I wish that I wasn’t famous and I could just have a normal life and not worry about these things.

Aston managed to calm down Emma before they got to the meeting with management with a little help from Lucy when Emma received a text from her – Glad you and Aston have made it up I can tell even more than I want to by the mark on your neck ;) Can’t wait for drinks on Friday Lucy xx Emma showed Aston and they both laughed ‘there’s plenty more of them where that came from’ Aston said winking at Emma. When they got out the car Aston got out his phone and texted the guys –

The game is up guys the press found out will be late to the studio we are having a meeting with management then having a press conference sorry A. Then tweeted Hey wassup? I just wanted to let you know its true I have a GF called Emma wanted you to hear it from me before you read it in the papers Ax He then walked over to Emma took her hand kissed it and said, ‘Everything will be fine. No one will hurt you when you’re with me.’ They walked into the office fingers entwined and they stayed that way all the way through the meeting. It wasn’t a long meeting but they wanted to make sure that we knew the consequences of everything and what it would possibly mean for Aston. The press conference on the other hand was a bit of a blur for both of them they just went in smiled talked about them being together now smiled had some picture taken then they ran out to Aston’s car and went to the studio.

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