NCT Ten x male reader (fruit)

Comenzar desde el principio

"I think it's time to go home. Ten is probably waiting for me."

Getting up from my chair, I grab my briefcase and fruit basket, heading out the door.

To say the least the fruit basket was heavier than it looked I almost dropped it when I tried to open the door. But I managed and said goodbye to the people I passed, until I reach the outside.

Getting into my car and putting everything in the seat next to me. Heading home where Ten were and the rest of NCT (who literally live in the apartment next door, so they come over when ever they want.)

-Time skip-

Driving in, I park and get out of my car. Heading up the elevator. Their door wasn't too far so it wasn't that bad of a walk. But when I pass one door that was before mine I could here yelling and running, meaning only one thing; NCT.

Sighing I ignore the commotion and get out my key. Unlocking the door I open it up.

"Hey, Ten! I'm finally home!!"

"Welcome back, in glad to see y- AHH!!!"

Getting started by the suddenly scream, I nearly drop everything in my hands.

"What's with the yelling!!!" I yell, quickly trying to put things down.


"WHAT NEAR YOU??!?!!?!"

I put the fruit basket out of my face, only to then see Ten on the counter, looking terrified.

He already towered over me with his usual height, but with him on the counter just added to how tall he was.

Placing the fruit basket on the floor. Ten yells more.

"Don't contaminate our floors!!!"

"What is contaminanting????"


He then points at the fruit basket in my hands.

"...this?" Lifting the basket a little, causing Ten to scramble more towards the other edge of the counter.

"Yes that! Put it outside or something!"

I only look at my boyfriend in confusion but do what he says. Opening the door I place the fruit basket outside.
"Well hopefully this doesn't rot."

Closing the door, I turn towards Ten, as he sighs in relief, getting off the counter.

"...." I really didn't know what to say after all of that.


"Sorry, about that I just don't...."

"Umm, don't like fruit...?"

"No.... more like in afraid of it..."

"So a fruit... phobia?"

"Yeah, I just find it really weird."

"But I've seen you drink fruit drinks."

"That's different!"

"If you say so.... do you want a hug?"


Waking over to me, we put our arms around each other in a big hug.
"Can we just cuddle now?"
"Yeah. But first can I please just put the fruit basket on the counter. I don't want it to rot."

"Fine, but we are getting rid of it as soon as we can."

"Okay, we can give it to the rest of the members."

Once I grab the basket and place it on the counter far away from Ten. We then set off to the couch, deciding it would be best to forget the whole thing and never bring fruit again.

We settled on the couch cuddling, watching tv, at least until our door got slammed open.

"What the heck!!?!?"

"We heard yelling earlier!! Is everything okay?!?" A voice yells from the door.

In the doorway was all the members of NCT except Ten all squished, trying to get in at the same time.

"How did you guys open the door?"

"You gave us an extra key."

"No we didn't."

"Okay, we copied your key."

" and why???"

"We have our ways. Now guys move out of the way!!!"

"Ohhh! I see fruit!!"

All of them push and shove until finally they get through without breaking the door.

"Now please tell me no one died in here?"

"No one died Taeyong, we just got scared which is why we were screaming."

"Oh, okay. Well I guess we can head back now."

"So we came here for nothing?"

"Haechan, we literally live next door, we don't even take 5 steps to get here."

"But still."

"Guys, can you argue back at your own dorm? (Y/n) and I actually would like to relax."

"Also you can take the fruit basket, we don't want it. But I don't want it to go to waste either." I put in before they leave.

"Wait really? Awesome!!"

Yuta grabs the basket before they forget and head out the door closing it behind them. Leaving both (y/n) and Ten in silence except for the tv.

"So where were we?"

"We were cuddling."

Okay this took awhile, School is getting hectic so it's a bit harder to get time to update but hopefully things will get faster. So sorry for the long wait

I do have another one shot finished which I might publish today or tomorrow

I will hopefully update another book today as well
Otherwise have a good day/night!
See ya in the next update

Kpop x male reader one-shots bookDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora