Bts Jimin x male reader (make up & dances)

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Another one shot!! Finally got it published. So enjoy!
Edit was created by me

"Why does this have to be so boring!!!" (Y/n) whines. He had been currently sitting in a small corner of a practice room at Big Hit. He promised his boyfriend that he would stay and watch them practice on their dances so they could hang out afterward. But having to sit in a corner with only his phone, wasn't exactly his best thought.

"We are almost done, try finding something on YouTube." Jimin says as he drinks some water.
"Fineeee! But hurry up guys I'm getting hungry."
"I'm hungry too! We can't rush dancing."
"Yeah you can, just have the beat go faster." (Y/n) retorts.
"I would like to see you try dancing then." Jimin challenges.

"I think this is going to get very interesting." Tae whispers to Jungkook.
"Yeah, isn't (y/n) hyung only a make up artist?"

"Jiminie you know I don't dance, I'm not a kpop idol."
"But I thought you said dancing is easy? I can dance so why can't you?"
"Are you seriously challenging me?" (Y/n) raises a brow not expecting to have this far of a challenge. Like sure he has watched them dance multiple times but never actually trying the moves himself.

"Yep! I want to bet you can't get one dance move down that I do."

"What happens when I win or if I lose? I know you want something."
"Yep! If you win I'll buy you any food you want after this, but if I win I get to do your make up!"

"Wahh?!? But I have expensive things! But fine! If we can leave after we are done then I'm up for free food."
"Okay let's get started but be prepared to lose!"

"Why are they like this?"
-small time skip-
After getting to stretch a little, (y/n) and Jimin start to do different dance moves. While the rest of BTS sat down and watched the little entertainment.

"So we are going to start off with the dance from mic drop. You know that one right?"
"I know that one."
"Okay, then try doing the very beginning up to Yoongi's part."

Jin then starts up the music to Mic Drop, and watch as (y/n) already starts to struggle.
Trying to do J-hope's part he nearly trips over his own feet as he does the dance with Jimin. Then almost falls on Jimin when transitioning. In the end of that (y/n) was already tired.

"Wow I thought it might be bad, but not this bad...."

"Maybe let's try a easier dance this time."

ROUND 1: fail!!

Up next they were going to do War of Hormone.
"This one should be easier for you so please don't kill Jimin-ah!"

Starting up the music, they start it off not too terribly, but it just seemed to get worst from that point.
(Y/n) went every wrong direction and ended up kicking Jimin's ass.
"Ahh!! Sorry Jimin!"
"I'm okay.... let's move on..."

ROUND 2: fail!!

"Maybe just try teaching him a dance move? Then we don't need to worry about injuries."

"Yeah, besides this is the last round we will be doing. So let's see you try.... the hip thrust!"

"Are you kidding?!? I can't even do any other dances!"

"My choice! So let's get started."

Having the music turned off, Jimin tries to reach the hip thrust to his boyfriend but it did not work at all.
"Dancing is too hard!! I don't know how you even do this!"

ROUND 3: fail!!

"Aww, maybe you should just stick to make up and hair." Jimin says giving (y/n) a hug.
"You think!"
"But anyway.... you lost! So I get to do your makeup back at the dorms."
"Ugh!! Fine, a bet is a bet."

They all decide that is was time to head back to the dorms and relax as they would watch Jimin try to do (y/n)'s makeup. They all gather up in the car and start talking during their ride.

-time skip-
"So you do know how to use these right?" (Y/n) questions as he now sits on the floor in BTS' dorm. Having everyone else sit on the couch except Jimin who sat in front of him.

"Yeah.... I know the basics at least! I think?"
"Just try not to use it all up. It's expensive!"
"Yeah yeah! Just close your eyes."

(Y/n) closes his eyes, just having more anxiety and dread build up inside him.

"So you use this first right??"
"I think you use that brush, Jimin-hyung!"
"Oh ok."

(Y/n) feels things getting applied onto his face, waiting for it all to end so he can see the results.
"Wait isn't that too much of that color?!?"
"It's fine."
Hours soon seemed to pass, but it was only minutes until Jimin says he is done.
"Okay! You can open your eyes and look now!"
Slowly opening his eyes, (y/n) sees his reflection in a mirror being held by Jimin. Everyone were trying to hold on their laughs, but most were failing.
"What did you do to my face?!?!"

On (y/n)'s face he had black eyeshadow with looked was supposed to be (f/c) eyeshadow blended with it. In total it looked like he had weird two black eyes with the color (f/c).

"I was trying to do a smokey eye like I see other idols have."
"Well you made it look like I have two black eyes!"
"It's not that bad! You have your favorite color!"

"Jimin-ah, just admit your very bad at makeup!" Jin says between his windshield wiper laughs.

"Now we can say we are even. You stick to dancing and me to makeup!"
"Sounds good, but you still look cute!"

"Shut up!"

"I'm not going to!" Jimin hugs his boyfriend as everyone else laughed louder on the couch. (Y/n) was definitely going to have a tough time getting all of the makeup off. How much did he even use?!?

And finally got something else written! Stupid writers block being a bish.
But I finally got ideas back

Another thing! It's voting time!!!
I'm writing another book but not sure if the person should be from BTS or EXO.
I have the plot all set up and its obviously will be x male reader😄

So vote for:




Don't vote for "Or"😑 and just say whatever comment for votes
Have a good day/night!

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