Chapter 25: The Door

Start from the beginning

I was terrified at where that door led and I was not about to find out. So I walked over to the pristine white door and opened it. It was bright and completely white behind the door almost like you were in a cloud. I took a deep breath relaxing myself before I called out. "Celeste?"

Nothing happened but just as I was about to call out again a woman began floating towards me. She was very tall with white hair and pale skin. She looked young like around my age and I was absolutely captivated by her beauty. I stood there in awe as she floated down and into the room. "You called for me my child." She said in such a melodic voice I forgot what I was doing for a second.

I shook my head to get ahold of myself. "Y-yes my name is Laura. My mother was Layla Queen of all mermaids. I-I need your help."

She stared at me stunned by what she just heard. "My dear how you have grown into a beautiful woman. I am still sorry I couldn't do anything to protect your mother but I assume you have found your mate and know of everything."

I nodded my head in response. "We had twins a little over a year ago a boy and a girl. We have ran into a major problem though and I am afraid for their lives and the lives of my peoples. There is a group of dark mermaids after me and my children we need your help with a spell."

She eyed me curiously before she spoke. "Where are you and I will come to meet with you and your family. I want to meet the witch who is helping you contact me as well."

"I-I am in Lucian, Alaska your majesty"

"No need for formalities I've never been one for them just call me Celeste. I can be there by tomorrow morning so I will see you then. Oh and before I forget I do have something for you of your mother's I will bring it with me."

Before I could ask any questions she was gone and so was the room. I opened my eyes as Juliana and Fin were standing over me arguing. "I swear to the Goddess if she doesn't wake up in the next five seconds I'm going to kill you!" Fin shouted grabbing Juliana by her throat.

"Fin! I'm awake I'm fine! Please put her down she didn't hurt me I promise." I yelled while grabbing his arm to get him to drop her. As soon as he heard my voice and felt my hands on his arm he dropped her and wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank Goddess I thought I had lost you! You were out for almost an hour and we began to worry. What the hell happened? Juliana was kicked out of your mind after you entered some room she said."

"I-I don't really know how to explain it but there were hundreds of doors in that room. I narrowed it down to two one which was Celeste's and the other was terrifying. It was charred and it held so much anger it scared me. I did talk to Celeste and she will be here tomorrow. She wants to meet you and our children as well as you Juliana." I said turning my attention towards her as she caught her breath.

"O-ok I will be here tomorrow morning. Goodnight King Fin and Queen Laura." She said as she began to walk off.

"Wait Juliana do you know what was behind that door?" I shouted after her.

She replied over her should, "Yes but if I were you I would never open that door it holds something that should never be unlocked. Celeste can tell you more about it tomorrow."

Fin and I looked at each other before we headed to relieve Anna and Monkey from babysitting. As I went to reach for the door that black door flashed in my mind for a split second before disappearing. I shook it off as we went inside. The kids were already sleeping as was Monkey and Anna. They had made a pillow fort and still had Frozen on the TV. We decided to just let them all sleep in their pillow fort as we headed upstairs to get some much needed sleep.

That night I just kept having dreams of that door. The last one freaked me out the most of them all. I was standing in the room and that door was the only one there. This time though it wasn't burned yet. Instead it was a beautiful oak wood door. It had an intricate design all over it with some weird symbol I have never seen at the top. As I ran my hand along the designs on the door it burst into flames. It burnt my hand and as I sat there screaming in pain the symbol from the top of the door burned into my hand.

I quickly woke up from my dream sweating and out of breath. When I went to grab my water off the nightstand as soon as I grabbed the cup I dropped it on the floor as my hand hurt unbelievably bad. Fin jumped up and quickly began asking questions. "Are you alright? What happened are you hurt?"

I didn't know how to answer that as I stared at my hand and saw the same symbol from my dream burned into my hand. Fin looked at my hand and was shocked he didn't say a word as he took my hand and stared at the freshly burned mark.

"H-how did that happen?" He asked afraid of the answer.

"I-I'm not sure. I j-just had a dream about that door again and when I touched it i-it burned me." I said my voice still shaken from it all.

"What does it mean?"

"I-I don't know," was all I could say before it began to slowly disappear before our eyes.

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