"So Annette I never knew you love my brother." Emily smiled.

Love- I don't even like him anymore, but she doesn't need to know that.

"People change Em, and stop interrogating my girlfriend." Elijah jumped in to answer for me. He took that change to kiss me on the cheek and I tried to hit him but he whispered "They watching us."

I'll definitely kill him after this dinner.

"You know Anne if he isn't giving you attention you can get the sexy brother." Oliver winked at me.

"Oh believe me, I will." I said teasingly.

"This dinner is for us to get to know Elijah's girlfriend not you children exchanging sexu--"

"You finish that sentence Benjamin and I'll definitely make you sleep on the couch for two months." Mom Sofia said interrupting him.

I love how mom Sofia always knows how to shut uncle Benjamin up. My mother and Benjamin both don't like each other, but it's nice to see them argue. They said it all started when Mom Sofia was in a coma but I know that is a lie. They probably hated each other before that.

"You know you like a daughter to me Annette, but what's your intention with my baby boy." Sofia asked me "And don't you dare answer, Elijah." She added. I always love everything about Mom Sofia but today she's putting me in an awkward situation.

"I would never hurt Elijah emotionally, I care about him--"

"What about physically?" Elijah interrupted me.

I let my fork fall on purpose under the table. I quickly went down to pick it up and then whispered to Elijah "You wouldn't want me doing this would you?" I asked almost hitting him where the sun doesn't shine.

"Please not Elijah junior." He said pleading.

What the hell?

I sit up straight and turned to him. I can't believe he calls his thing Elijah junior, he is such a pervet.

"Mom, I'm done eating." Elijah got up. "Can we leave now?"

"Elijah, you didn't even touch your food and by the way I only invited you kids over because I want to talk to my daughter-in-law, alone." Mom Sofia got up and I followed her.

"Don't keep her long." Elijah shouted as I went with his mother.

"So Annette, how are you doing?" Mom Sofia asked and I closed the door.

"I'm fine mom." I quickly sit down, next to Elijah's mom.

"Elijah and you are dating?" She questioned and I nod my head. "How long?"

"Umm." I can't believe Elijah didn't tell me this part. I should've known he is stupid, he can't even take care of one thing. "Three weeks." I mumbled.

"So he cheated on you for those three weeks?" She smiled at me and I shook my head. "Then why was he seen with the actor Susan just three days ago?"

"They just friends. Elijah would never cheat on me, I promise." I assured her. I can't believe I'm lying to mom Sofia for the first time because of Elijah. What if what everyone is saying becomes true. What if I fell in love with Elijah again? My mother will definitely die of a heart attack.

"Are you still in love with Elijah?" She asked and I opened my mouth in shock. "I know my son well Annette. I know he isn't dating anyone or else I wouldn't see him go in a hotel room with a girl and that was yesterday so don't try and make an excuse for him."

"He will mend his ways. I know he loves me mom, so don't worry." I hope I leave this house without getting Elijah in trouble. I thought uncle Benjmain would be the hard one to convince but instead it's seems like Mom Sofia is worse.

"Anne, you are a gem of a person. Anyone would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend." I swear to god she sounds like Elijah trying to break up with me. "But Elijah can't be that person. I love you both so much that is why I'm scared he will break your heart again. I know Elijah too well."

"I know but mom, I promise I'll take care of myself." She pulled my left cheek again. "What did I do wrong?"

"I was waiting for you to confess you are not dating Elijah but you seem to be a great actor." She said angry.

"He told you?" I mumbled.

"Nope." She replied. "But you told me." I can't believe she got me. I should've never come here. "Listen Anne, if you don't break up with Elijah you will end up broken. Don't you remember what happened years ago?"

"Why don't you all just trust me when I say I'm not in love with Elijah and I won't get a broken heart again. I accepted he is my brother and he will forever be that only."

Elijah's POV.

Annette has been quiet ever since we came from my parents house. I don't know what my mother told her but whatever it is, it's definitely bothering Annette. I shouldn't have put her through this. I should've just got an actress to act as my girlfriend.

I'm going to have to break up with Annette soon or I will damage her reputation. I don't even know how I'll tell the media she's my girlfriend when they have so many bad stuff to say about me. I can't wait for this vacation, I'll create a scene that even mom and my dear father will believe Annette and I are dating. I'll break up with her in front of my parents and act like we have trust issues.

I quickly went downstairs to get some water. Three more weeks and Annette won't have to stress again.

I went back upstairs and Annette's light was on so I went in her room. I don't know when this girl will learn to switch her light off. I switch the light off and Annette started mumbling something so I switch the light back on.

"Are you like Scarlett now, scared of the dark?" I questioned but she kept tossing and turning. "Are you sleeping or acting?"

"Melissa no, please don't take him. I love him." Annette kept mumbling.
She kept tossing and turning. "Please don't leave me. I love you." She cried.

"Annette." I place my hand on Annette's shoulder and tried to gently shake her awake. "Wake up." I mumbled and she opened her eyes. "It was just a dream, Red." She hugged me tightly.

"Please don't leave me. I love you." She begged crying. I know she's not fully awake, or she wouldn't say this to me. I wonder what that fool gave her. Why did she even fall in love with Eros of all people. I wouldn't have drugged him if I knew she loves him so much.


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