Operation Dust Devil Part One

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He didn't respond he just started crying as well.
"Dad! Don't cry."
You were horrified watching him cry.
He was your idol
He didn't cry
"Dad? Dad!? Dad!"
You felt arms wrap around you


It was Ela.


"Y/N! Calm down!"

You still had tears in your eyes but you wiped them away.

"Ela! This heat is messing with my head!"

You hugged her tightly.

"It's ok Y/N. Your ok."

"I know. It was just a nightmare."
A really poorly written nightmare.

You and Ela sleep on the same Cot.

"Goodnight Ela."

"Goodnight Y/N"

The Next morning

You woke up holding Ela.
She had her clothes on.
Easy workaround.
You sneak your hands up her sweatshirt and feel her body.
She's still soft and warm.
You remove your hands then stand up and stretch.

"Why did you stop Y/N?"

"Good morning Ela. I need to get up."

"Good morning and you didn't have to"

You were going to say something but Zofia interrupts with;
"You two you are disgusting"
It's weird. She wasn't kidding. She actually meant it. Why was she such an asshole?
You two.
You two!
You two?
It was just you two.
The last friend you had was Twitch. Everyone else was just an asshole.
Was this the world now?
It felt like it was just you and Ela.
She was all you had...

5 Hours Later

Everyone was ready...
USA soldiers, Zofia, and You.
It was a raid on a taken village.
On the whistle Everyone charges.
Blitzkrieg tactics
Sweep fast with everything you got.

Whistle! Whistle!

You charge along with all the other soldiers.
Instantly your soldiers start getting gunned down with no one on their side receiving casualty.
It was already a losing battle.
Lots of Husbands, Wives, Brothers, Sisters, Sons, Daughters, have been lost in less than 10 seconds because of a small metal form with a ball in it.

You dive into a foxhole made by bombs. Your under heavy fire.
You probably sat their for about 10 minutes before the firing ceased. All noises ceased.
You peek out of the hole and see most of your Soldiers dead and some dead Rebels across the way. Almost 300 terrorists approaching you half a mile away. You quickly exit the hole and hear a crying Zofia.

"Y/N... Y/N! Help me! Please!"

You quickly run over to her.
You release her plate, unstrap strap her guns and carry her on your shoulders. You run back to camp. About 6 miles.
There are terrorists trailing you by a quarter of a mile.
Your getting shot at.
5 1/2 miles to go
Enemies are starting to get closer.
You do your best to hold them off with your pistol.
4 miles to go.
Enemies are starting to get closer.
Zofia Is out of shock she can run.
"Go Zofia!"
She runs ahead of you and easily outruns you by far.
Enemies are dangerously close.
2 1/2 miles to go.
Allies are running toward you! Your saved!


Your getting shot at by a sniper now!
Keep running.
2 miles to go with your allies approaching at half a mile.
Once your allies pass you. You continue running to base

You've been shot through the back.
You scream in pain and fall to your knees and start crawling.
You make several attempts to stand but fail while continuing to move forward.
1 mile to go.
"Dad! Dad!!!"
Screaming his name won't help.
It's just you and the fucking the desert!
"Get the fuck up kid!"


"Get the fuck up Y/N!"
"Get the fuck up kid!"
"Are you gonna bleed out in the desert?"


"It's too late Y/N... You already gave up."

"No... I didn't!"


You quickly recovered and started a full on sprint back.
Pow! You get shot in the shoulder but continue on.
Half a mile.
You run faster.
Your bleeding profusely but continue on.

You made it...
You instantly pass out.

A/N - ... I'm sorry. It may be too late...

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin