Keith remembered researching about sleep paralysis for a school essay back on Earth. He read a few articles online about how it felt and what it was like, the feeling of being unable to move while a grotesque shadow-like monster moved towards you. Pidge is lucky she's never experienced it.

Keith finally opened his mouth to speak, hoping words would come this time.

"Yeah, I'm fine now, it was just a bad dream," Pidge opened her mouth to speak, "I'm going to the bathroom." Pidge crossed her arms and huffed as she tried to stop him. Did he think he would get with that lame excuse?

She let go when she saw Keith's sad smile, "Please, let me go" plastered on his face. She felt pressure in her eyes at how broken Keith looked, she wanted to see his smile or his scowl, anything but the sad smile he was giving her right now. It made her think. What is he hiding from them?




Keith pulled himself off the floor, being careful not to wake Lance as he padded to the bathroom. He let out a shaky breath as he held himself up with the sink. He couldn't keep his tears in any longer. He sobbed into his palm, his fangs drawing blood as he bit into it to keep quiet as he sobbed.





His mind screamed at him that he as still asleep, that the monster would come and make him pay for his sins. It would make him pay for being a half-breed, for being nothing, for being a nuisance to the paladins. He needed to get away before the monster got him, before it and his problems could catch up. Because if they caught up, Keith would be suffocated by the darkness and it would be a long time before he saw light again.

Keith squeezed his eyes shut only to snap them open at the image of the monster ingrained into his retinas. He pinched his arm until he believed he was awake, leaving a dark purple bruise on his fuzzy bicep. He slid down the wall and clutched his head, his tail splayed on the ground as he tried to calm his thoughts. He felt like he was going insane.

He was alone.

He would always be alone.

No one really cared for a worthless nothing like him.

Last night was just a fluke, they were being nice before they left him again.

Everyone always left him.

No one would save him.

What am I going to say to Pidge? Keith wiped away stray tears as he took shallow breaths. He flicked his ears, listening as hushed voices sounded from his room and he locked the bathroom door. He didn't want to talk about what happened and he was too drained to come up with a better lie.

After a few moments of silence, Keith decided to peek through the door. His heart lurched when he saw his room back to normal, any semblance of two people being here gone. His comforter was neatly spread across his bed and Keith gratefully wrapped himself in it.

He took a few deep breaths, thoughts plaguing his already depressed mind. Was anyone looking for him? Why did they leave so quick? Did Pidge really not care? Did anyone? No, no one ever would.

He pulled his legs up to himself, being careful not to dig his claws too deep as hugged his knees and let a few tears fall. Did he even want the paladins to barge in and demand to know what was going on? In a way, he sort of did. But he was always alone and that could never change.

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