Days Till Summer (Prologue)

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***WARNING! This story contains scenes of intense violence, sexual situations, graphic language, and other adult situations. WARNING!***


Corporal Anthony Stillwater is a member of the US Army Chemical Corps, a soldier trained in NBC (Nuclear/Biological/Chemical) Field Warfare. Having entered Basic Training on his 17th birthday on orders from a judge, he still excelled in training during both Basic Training and NBC Field Warfare school. He was assigned to 2/19th Special Weapons Group, which was tasked with rebuilding massive munitions sites in Western Germany. 2/19th was being reactivated after being destroyed nearly to the last man during Vietnam. Placed in an old Nazi barracks, on the backside of a mountain and above even the ski resort the restricted site of 2/19th's living area was nearly inhospitable.

During the first month the barracks burned down, nearly killed all of the 20 soldiers who had arrived. While the barracks were being rebuilt Stillwater was assigned his munitions site. A massive group of bunkers, over 100 of them, on the edge of the 1K Zone, which separated East from West Germany. Stillwater and his squad spent weeks bringing the site up to readiness standards, which meant thousands of man hours of work.

The winter of 85/86 was hard on members of 2/19th who were tasked to stay in the snowbound barracks of 2/19th in order to guard secure data that included nuclear arming codes and NBC weaponry locations.

First a mask killer attacked the group, killing most of the Rear Detachment. During the attacks John Bomber had his appendix ruptured and Anthony Stillwater took enough head injuries to render him blind for a period of time. While it appeared the Nancy Nagle killled the masked killer with a fire axe the body was never found.

Less than a month afterward Rear Detachment became the target of a rogue CIA operation that intended on selling the classified data regarding NBC operations in Western Germany to the Soviet Union. During this time Rear Detachment came under attack by a CIA deniable asset team and a Soviet Spetsnaz team. In the hard fighting afterwards 2/19th managed to emerge victorious, but at a high cost.

A month after that Rear Detatchment came under attack again, this time by personnel claiming to be CIA, but evidence uncovered during the fighting cast doubt on the attackers actual origins. Once again 2/19th managed to win the day, but again, Stillwater had been seriously injured, suffering head injuries while also undergoing a psychotic break.

With less than a month of convelesence leave, Stillwater returned to work back at his massive munitions site, ensuring that if World War 3 should break out that 8th Infantry Division and 3rd Armor Division had the conventional and NBC munitions to fight the war.

During the summer pressures have mounted on Corporal Stillwater, pushing him harder and harder. Working with NBC weaponry, untrained in leadership yet left in charge of 26 people, and working long hours with little time off.
Stillwater has been suffering from persistant auditory and visual hallucinations, blackouts, migraines, with intermittent siezures during the entire time. His requests for medical attention or psychiatric care have either gone ignored or risked his security clearnace, so his psychological and neural injuries have been left untreated.Because, during the Cold War, it was all about the numbers.

Note: This is based off the original timeline and original conceptions and has not been updated for the revised timeline.

Dog Days of Summer (Damned of the 2/19th Book Four) - FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now