Pleasure Slave

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Farm of Regina McDaurn
Outskirts of Chehalis
Lewis County
United States of America
12 August, 1986

The two women were bound to the chair, both staring at me as I sat there. Regina kept trying to put her legs together but either Nancy or John had tied her legs so that they stayed open by putting her knees below the edge of the seat. Regina's daughter Gormliath was just relaxing, not even caring that her knees were forced apart and her arms behind her back so it pushed her breasts up and out. She just smiled at me. She was only held by the garotte, her fingers laced to hold her hands behind her back and her legs spread voluntarily. Nancy had informed her that Nancy would choke the other woman out if she disobeyed.

"You can't do this to me," Regina started.

I brought down an open palm on her thigh with a loud smack and Regina cried out in pain.

Gormliath just smiled. "He can, Momma," She told her mother, shaking her head. I looked at her and the lizard took note that Gormliath's nipples had hardened, "Take as long as you want, Aodan," She looked back at Nancy as best she could. "That kelly has made my fate plain, Momma. When they're done with you, or maybe even before, my fate will be drawn out."

Regina stared at me, confused, then looked at her daughter.

"What fate? They can't," She started.

I slapped her thigh again, interrupting her. She screamed again.

"Put Gormliath on the table, Nancy," I snarled.

Nancy grabbed Gormliath's braid, pulling her up. Gormliath went willingly to in between Regina and me, not struggling, even when Nancy bent her forward over the table, kicking her feet apart so her legs here spread. Gormliath's knuckles whitened as she gripped the edges of the table.

"You wouldn't," Regina's face was shocked.

I shrugged. "The two of you had my sister raped. The Geneva Convention forbids rape, rules of interrogation prohibits rape, and common decency says that rape's a terrible thing," I told her. I nodded at Nancy, who slapped Gormliath's plentiful ass, jiggling her plump ass cheek and leaving a bright red handprint on it.

Regina's face was pale.

Disturbingly, Gormliath moaned and licked her lips.

"Oh, Christ," Bomber rolled his eyes. "So much for that."

Nancy chuckled and rubbed the welt. "It's not that big of a deal," She said. "I know how to overcome that kind of thing." She stared at me, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "We don't need to use a knife on her, just treat her like I like to be treated some nights."

I looked at Regina, who was staring at me with a pale face.

"Here's the difference between you and me, Regina," I said.

"What?" She asked.

I stood up, walking around to in front of Gormliath. I knelt down, folding my arms on the table and resting my chin on them. Her breath smelled of tea, lemons, a hint of mint, and something else. Gormliath's face was flushed and she smiled at me. I looked over her body. It was flushed and I picked up her wrist, licking my own and pressing it against her skin.

My own skin tingled slightly.

Skinfire. A light coating.

Completely covering her.

The redness at the top of her thighs may have been from chafing, but I knew it was also from rubbing skinfire into her pubic hair. I knew she probably indulged herself every day, savoring the tingling burn on her privates.

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