Belladona and Sticky Bromide

515 18 13

McDaurn Family Farm

Lewis County, WA, USA

11 August 1986

0205 Hours

Lasair's head bobbed up and down slowly, her mouth and tongue working, her hand sliding back and forth, her other hand pulling at me, urging me to thrust into her mouth. I could taste her lips and the taste of Nancy from when Lasair had kissed me. Bomber was rolling onto his back, pulling Glenna on top of him, so that she faced him, and Glenna guided him into her with one hand, gasping and smiling. Nancy was being pushed onto her back by the honey blonde woman, who was hurriedly moving down between Nancy's legs, licking her lips, as Nancy moaned encouragement to her.

King, dead since the Spetznas' attack on the barracks, watched it all with cold, dead eyes.

"You will experience several different interrogation drugs over the next several days in order to familiarize yourself with them." He said, not in his own voice, but in the voice of the small slight man who had worn a black suit with only a tiny enamled US flag pin providing any color to him or his suit. "You will notice that each drug affects your body and mind differently, and we will teach you how to resist them."

I looked at King, who melted from the big bulky man into the small slight man. The man stepped forward, walking next to me.

"This is commonly referred to as a honey-pot trap. Like a sundew plant, it lures you in with sweetness and honey, until you are stuck within it and cannot get away." His face was expressionless, uncaring about what was going on in front of him. "A skilled interrogator who has the time will alternate brutality with a honey-pot, often using interrogation drugs to further weaken the subject's resistance."

He looked up at me, his rimless glasses flashing in the light. "It is a very effective tactic, and one that can be nearly impossible to resist. A skilled interrogator or programmer will play on weaknesses, stripping away your psyche to make you completely pliable." He glanced at the bed, then back at me.

What Lasair was doing began to recede from my mind as he spoke.

"With enough time, not only will you admit to everything that the interrogator wants to know, you can be completely reprogrammed to his specifications." He glanced at his watch. "You have a limited time to resist, and you will be past the point of no return more quickly than you would expect. Once trapped, it is nearly impossible to extract yourself."

"Sean, your nose is bleeding." Glenna said. Her voice was low and sultry, at odds with her words. "Are you all right, Sean?"

Lasair's mouth suddenly moved away. "Aodan's nose is bleeding too." I looked down as saw that she had several fat drops of blood on her forehead, and blood in her hair.

"What?" Nancy asked, sitting up.

A thick trickle of blood ran from both of her nostrils.

"Their medication." Lasair said softly, pulling me down to sit on the bed next to her. She looked at the girl straddling John/Sean."Kevena, get their medication from the makeup table."

Kevena climbed off of John, who put his hands to his stomach and groaned.

Stomach cramps. From the tea? From the delay in getting our medication. It was odd, we should have been good until the morning.

"They'll need tea." Glenna said, climbing off the bed. She moved toward the fireplace, picking up a poker.

I shook my head, trying to clear it. Something was wrong, otherwise, why would one of the Alphabet Boys be here?

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