"Would you like to see the peanut?" I laugh, an odd sense of relief and pride filling me. I took the photo out of my wallet, smiling proudly as I showed my mom.

"Oh. This is so sweet. Have you had any cravings? Let me know so I can make it for you" she crooned, her smile spreading wider and wider.

"Not yet. Oh, I won't be so active on tv and all that for the next few months..." I told her, explaining about them slowly slipping me out of the schedules.

"That's fine. How did Jackson react? Oh. I'm so happy for you two. I can't wait to tell your dad. What about his parents?" she asked, her eyes still sparkling with happiness.

I gave her a small smile in response, not wanting to crush her joy. I didn't have the heart to tell her that Jackson and I quarrelled... and the fact that I had no idea if his parents knew.

"Where is dad? I'll go find him?" I asked, trying to change the subject instead. I blinked back my tears and chose to keep my wallet into my bag, turning away from my mom, discretely avoiding her gaze.

"He's out fishing" she replied, smiling at me still. I breathed a soft sigh of relief, not detecting any suspicion from her.

"I'll head to find him" I decided, nodding slightly at her. The wind would probably do me some good and blow away these thoughts that filled my head.

"He'll be so happy you're back" my mom laughed, stroking my head. I nodded, giving her a small smile while picking up my bag to head to my room.

I left to put my bag down in my room and stood stunned for awhile, the image of Jackson hopping around my room replaying in my head as I stood at my doorway.

I blinked back my tears, dropping my bag by the door before rushing out. I really need to clear my head...


I sat by the bay, watching the waves crash against the shore. The wind blew my hair back, my fringe caressing my face as the sun shone down on me.

I waved at my dad, watching him as he chatted with his friends. I sat there enjoying the breeze, just glad to be alone and free.

My dad left his friends after awhile, the two of us walking back home together. He didn't mind that I was quiet and filled up the silence by telling me animatedly about the fish he almost caught.

I laughed along, the two of us dusting ourselves down before we entered the front door.


"I didn't know if you found anything unappetising yet so I made quite a number of dishes" my mom smiled.

"Thank you mom" I smiled back.

"No need to be polite. Now eat up" she waved me off.

"잘 먹겠습니다" I greeted, staring at my bowl of pumpkin porridge. I smiled down to myself as I dug in, remembering that pumpkins were one of foods that was recommended by the doctor.
A/N: I'll eat well/thank you for the food phrase that let's whoever who cooked know that you will enjoy the food.

My dad looked curiously at me, unsure of what was going on as my mom giggled at his expression.

"He didn't tell you?" my mom asked. I shook my head in response, biting back my laughter as she looked so excited again.

"We're going to be grandparents" she spilled, leaning against his shoulder.

"Really?" he asked, staring at me in shock.

"I'm pregnant" I nodded in response, watching his eyes widen further.

"I told you it was possible" my mom laughed.

"And here I thought I had to wait for your sisters again" he muttered, rubbing his forehead while trying not to grin.

I went to bed after helping my mom wash up the dishes, feeling exhausted after the bad sleep I had the night before and the whole days' events.

I laid in bed, hesitating before pulling Jackson's hoodie out of my bag. I flopped back onto the bed while hugging his hoodie close. God, I miss him.

I buried my face into his hoodie, breathing in his unique smell. I wonder if he's okay...

I shook my head, shaking off these thoughts of Jackson. He started it. But I pushed him... no... but he started it.

I sighed, tossing and turning while trying to find a comfortable position, my head still filled with thoughts of Jackson.


I crawled out of bed the next morning, feeling slightly better despite my dreams causing me to jerk awake every few hours. I couldn't seem to remember what they were about though.

I prepared breakfast for my parents, wanting to surprise them since I was up so early. I busied myself in the kitchen, effectively distracting myself from thinking of Jackson.

"Jinyoung?" my mom called, coming out of her room just as I placed the dishes on the dining table.

"Good morning mom" I smiled.

"You didn't have to" she said, her eyes shining with joy despite her words.

"I wanted to" I replied. It's such a Jackson thing to say. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts of him again.

"I'll go call dad" I quickly add, hurrying out of the dining room.

"Dad?" I called, knocking on their bedroom door.

"Coming" he replied, patting my back as we walked to the dining room together.

"He cooked this" my mom told my dad, smiling at him as we settled at the table.

"잘 먹겠습니다" my mom teased, greeting me back as she dug in. I laughed along, watching them enjoy the food before digging in.
A/N: I'll eat well (same as above!)

My dad stayed at home, the three of us catching up while I told them about how the honeymoon and schedule after it went.

I felt some resemblance of peace, like I was a child again, enjoying the attention they showered on me.

It was late in the afternoon when I decided to go out for some air, I took my phone with me deciding to turn it on after. I knew that I was going to be in trouble for going missing like that but I did inform them...

I grabbed a book before heading out to the bay again, loving the breeze blowing against my face. I turned my phone back on, seeing the number of missed calls from the members and a text from Youngjae who actually threatened to spank me.

I sighed, not seeing any missed calls nor texts from Jackson. I wonder how is he doing...

I sat there staring out into the ocean, watching the sunlight glitter off the waves, thinking about our fight.

I get that he was tired but how was it fair that he simply ignored me? But he's doing it for us. He never calls me Jinyoung. But I was too much... I knew he was tired, I could have waited.

I sighed, replaying our fight in my head, feeling like a fool. It was as though the wind cleared my head, blowing away all my weird negativity.

He's my all. How could I leave his side when he was working hard for us? Why did I act so rashly? Why did I even pick a random fight with him?

A/N: Ugh. It's Monday. All I want to do is hide under my covers and never get up. I hope that this chapter at least cheers your Monday up. ❤️

Thank you for reading, commenting and voting! (Don't worry. They'll be back together in the next chapter 😂)

Ps. Let's all work hard so that we can see Got7 win 1st for at least 2 weeks.

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