Bad girl in disguise

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Blurb: ❝She spent her life hiding herself, desperately hoping she won't lose herself along the way.❞They say the good girl always gets the bad boy. And the bad girls will get the boring good guys. Opposites attract, right? Wrong. Her and 'boring' don't really go together very well. Her and 'good' are practically sworn enemies. And yet, she's not good enough to win the bad boy. Jesse Marks is a bad girl. She defies stereotypes and breaks the rules. She sneaks out every night and owns a gigantic motorcycle. She has hidden tattoos all over her body and prefers black leather over pastel colors any day. But she is only her bad self at night. Being a good girl at school is essential. But her facade is cracking by the time the bad boy Lucas Johnson and his terrible past arrive at school. Happy endings are for good girls. Great adventures are for bad girls.

By finesarcasm 


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