I Won't Say I'm In...

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Something felt different.

Sunlight streamed in from behind your eyelids as you woke. You pressed your face deeper into the blankets. You knew you really ought to get up – but your bed was just so comfy. Unusually so. Besides, it was the weekend. Five more minutes couldn't hurt, right?

As you relaxed deeper into the softness, the same thought came to you again. Something was different. This didn't really feel like your bed. You tried to sit up, but felt someone's arm tighten gently around your waist, pulling you back down. Who...?

You slowly dragged your eyelids open, and were greeted by the sight of a certain skeleton's chest. Sans was sleeping soundly next to you his eyes closed peacefully, a pale remnant of blue still dusting his cheeks. He had his arms wrapped around you, and you were resting against his chest. He was so close you could feel his breathing.

The memories of last night flooded back to you in a rush. The power outage, the blanket fort, you cuddling with Sans, and then falling asleep with him. Falling asleep with Sans.

Oh no.

You felt your cheeks starting to grow hot as you stared at him – oh god, his face of so close. This feeling – you knew what this feeling was. Ohhhh no no no...were you...falling for him?

Nope. You weren't going to think about it. You forced yourself to ignore the fluttering feeling in your chest, instead focusing on sitting up again. Careful not to wake him, you gently pried yourself from the short skeleton's arms, and stood up, taking in the scene around you.

The power must've come back on in the night, because the lights were working again, and the apartment felt warm. The storm outside had died down, and snow now fell gently through the air, landing softly on the white-blanketed ground. Wintery rays of sunlight filtered in through the window illuminating the room.

You glanced down – Sans was still soundly asleep. 'How can he look so cute...' Before another round of those pesky butterflies could invade your stomach, you quickly looked away, and hurried off to your closet to get dressed.

As you glanced in the mirror, you had to stop and do a double take, at something bright and blue around your neck. Then, you chuckled as you realized what it was - you were still wearing Sans' bandana from last night. You reached up to pull it off, but then hesitated. You almost...didn't want to take it off.

Then you shook you head. 'Jeez, what's gotten into into me' you wondered, pulling off the scarf forcefully and folding it neatly. You made a mental note to thanks Sans for letting you wear it.


By the time Sans woke up, you were in the kitchen, making breakfast.

"Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU MAKING? IT SMELLS REALLY GOOD!" Sans popped his head into the kitchen, his eyes full of stars. You grinned.

"Sans – you're up!" you said, glancing over at him. "Just making pancakes." You gestured at the stove.


"Aw, but you just looked so peaceful sleeping like that – I just couldn't!" you said, leaning over and squeezing Sans' hand gently. He turned a little bit blue.

"Mweh heh heh...WELL, I CAN HELP NOW! TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" he said quickly, standing up straight.

"Well, I guess if you can get me the butter-"

He was already off, running to the fridge at top speed. You laughed at how eager he was. The two of you bustled around the kitchen, and when the cooking was done, you ate together hungrily.

Soulmate (Underswap Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now