She looked sad, she looked helpless, she felt half dead but most of all she looked lost. She looked away immediately, and walked out of the bathroom.


"On your way home could you get me some kimchi ramen?" Asked Alice as she walked me out.

"Yes Mom." Emma agreed as she stepped in her car.

"What the hell, do I even look that old?" Alice asked as Emma drove away.


On my her to the hospital, she came across an old man whom was struggling to cross the road.
Emma decided to stop her car and help him.

As she did so there was an elderly woman approaching him. She watched them cross the road together while laughing and smiling. When she saw this Emma immediately thought of her parents.

She was sent to a boarding school  when she was 15. There she was thought to survive in this world alone. Emma felt horrible there, lonely and sad.

It was an old convent and she was raised by sisters. Her parents told her that she had no self control, no manners, no respect and many other things, so she was sent there.

Emma never truly felt love or appreciation from her parents or relatives. When Emma was in the convent she was bullied by many other girls, from that, Emma always thought that hope was lost and that she was alone.

That's when she met Sister Veronica . Sister Veronica was her inspiration. She was there for Emma when she was lost and she was also there for her when she faced problems in her life during that point of time. God then decided to take her away when Emma turned 17 and two years later Emma's  parents in a car crash.

It was rainy night that evening just one week before our summer school holiday. I remember walking down the stairs with my books in my hand heading towards the vending machine.

"Where do you think you're going?" Asked one of my seniors.

"To the vending machine, I haven't eaten..."

"Who cares, you can't go there!" Said another one of those girls as she grabbed me by my hair and tossed me to ground.

My knees hit the hard concrete floor and my palms following.


"Exactly, know your place." Said the first girl as she took her chocolate milk and poured it on me.

Tears started rushing down from my face. I didn't understand why they did that, I'm not as pretty, famous or anything like they think, so I didn't know why they did this to me.

I laid on the ground with messy hair and wet clothes for almost and hour now, week and sore until I heard a familiar voice.

"My God, Emma!" Exclaimed Sister Veronica as she walked towards me then helped me up.

I smiled.


"Thank you."


After helping me up and handing me her cardigan, she walked me up to my dorm.

"Don't let these people get to you. You know your worth so let them be." She said as she tapped my shoulder.

I nodded as I smiled.



"Emma, I think we need to go now... You can't be waiting here forever." Alice said as she tapped on Emma's shoulder that looked down to Sister Veronica's grave.

Emma said nothing.

"You go ahead first." Emma said as she stared at her feet.
Alice nodded and left.

That day was the day Emma started giving up on life. Why she didn't know, but Sister Veronica was a big milestone in her life.


"Dr. Emma, Mr. Park would like to see you in his office." Said the clerk that worked on the first floor as she walked in.

Emma felt a little light headed. The fact that the Ceo of this hospital wants to see some medical officer  alone in his office makes me feel sceptical.


"Good morning sir, I heard you were looking for me?" Emma said as she walked in.

"Dr. Lyle have a seat." 

"You've been working so hard so I decided to give you a break." He said while flipping through his paperwork.

"A break?" She asked suspiciously. 

"Yes, it's more of a business trip but for doctors. You and your fellow coworkers would be going to France on the 23th  for a gala." He said while handing her a flight ticket and a form.  "You can ask Peter, for more details." He continued.

"Alright you can leave."

"Thank you." She said while she walked out.

He didn't even give her a chance to even think about it. But anyways, she needed a break so she decided to just going to go.


Emma took a stroll after work around the neighborhood.  The she continued to walk towards the park that was located in her neighborhood. She sat on a bench and looked around. And it all came in her head again.


"Emma, stop that it tickles." William said.

"Hey, I'm not going to. You promised to get me ice cream on your way back and you didn't so take this!" I said as I continued to tickle him.

"I'm going to get you back." William said as he started to chase me.

"Will, don't you dare!" I said as i ran.

"Baby, I DARE!" He said as he chased me.

Eventually he caught me and we fell onto the soft green grass.

"Look at the stars, they remind me of you." He said as he held me.

"Yeah, beautiful right." I said while I giggled.

"Nah, my girlfriend is prettier." He as he smiled at me.

That feeling is impossible to relieve.

I wish I could turn back the time just to feel it again. I want appreciation and love from the person I love the most.

We walked home after a few minutes.

"Babe, I love you." Will said as he hugged me.

"I love you too." I said as I walked into my house.

That day, stayed with me.


Take me back.

  I left after a while because siting here could make me go mad.

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