Chapter 4

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     I stare at him, with my mouth hanging open, not knowing what to say. He sniffs, and only then do I notice his red blotchy cheeks.
"H-have a seat," I tell him finally, pulling him towards the bed, removing my laptop and placing it on my desk. I sit him in the edge of the bed, and he kicks off his shoes and crawls underneath my covers.
"C'mere," he whispers, and I slip under the blanket. He pulls me close to him, and breathes hotly into my neck. "He's gone forever, isn't he?", he mumbles, and I run my fingers through his silky hair, and tug in the shirt strands.
"Why would you think so?" I ask. He laughs humorlessly.
"What do they want with a seven year old boy, huh?", he replies coarsely. I take a deep breath.
     "The police will find him. Does your dad know you're here?" James nods, and I look at him. "How about you sleep with me tonight?"
     "That's what I was planning on doing," he replies. I nod and get up to use the bathroom. After I brush my teeth and prepare to bed, I nudge James to do the same.
     By the time he comes back, I have continued watching my movie, and he settles himself next to me, watching. When the movie ends, I close the laptop and turn off the lights.
     James pulls me towards him and kisses me softly, his lips chapped and hot. He pulls back only to kiss my jaw and neck, pressing his moist tongue against my pulse.
I allow my eyelids to slide shut. James keeps sucking on my neck, until he abruptly stops. He keeps his face burrowing into my neck, and places his hand on my waist. We fall asleep like this.
The next morning, I come to with James all over me. His legs are around mind, his arm is slung over my chest, and his other arm embracing me from underneath. I lay there, inspecting his tired face, his pallor.
     Slowly as not to wake him up, I lift the arm that was on my chest and place it gently on the bed. Then I proceed to carefully detach my legs from his, and I succeed. I glance at my phone to find it 10:30 am.
     I tiptoe my way to the bathroom, use it, then head to the kitchen. James loves pancakes; he would literally do anything for some. One time, I had some Physics homework I was not eager to do, so I offered to make him some pancakes while he solved the questions and he did, even though he also hates Physics.
     I start on the batter and, soon, I have piled a plate high with the pancakes. I grab the jar of  Nutella and spread a bunch of pancakes with it, and I leave others with just some maple syrup on them. I place the plates on a tray, and I pour for him a glass of cold water. He hates juice, even mixed berries and apple juice.
     I peek into the bedroom and place the tray quietly on my desk. I approach the bed and sit next to James' sleeping body.
     "James?", I ask in a hushed voice, placing my hand in his warm bicep. "James, wake up", I say, running my hand over his arm.
     He cracks one eyelid open, and turns to face me. He looks at me for a while without saying anything, then he rubs his eyes and sits up.
     "I-I smell...Heavens," he says groggily, and smiles when he sees the tray. He quickly hops out of bed and uses the bathroom.
     While he's in there, I rummage for the little table I stashed somewhere. When I find it, I set up the breakfast for him, and smile when he comes out.
     "All of that for me?", he asks in a baby voice, and I chuckle.
     He sits on my bed and pulls the table towards his chest. He then looks up at me with a frown.
     "What about you?"
     "What about me?" I ask, and James let's out a sharp breath. He gives me a stern look.
     "Come here," he orders in a bossy manner, and I roll my eyes.
     "I'm not hungry. Plus, this is for you." Now it's his turn to roll his eyes.
     "You're a part of me, so technically, it's also for you. Now, don't make me stand up." I shake my head and sit next to him. He forks a little Nutella spread pancake and holds it in front of me. "Open wide," he says, and I grin and do as he asks.
     We eat together the pancakes, and I'm glad his spirits are lifted. Soon, James puts down his fork and leans back.
     "You're trying to fatten me up, aren't you?" He asks accusatory. I widen my eyes innocently and raise my hands up. "You've barely eaten anything. And you loo-oove chocolate. Maybe as much as pizza." I grin.
     "Guilty as charged," I say, and then hold the tray.
     "Thank you for this. For being you," James says in a soft tone, his eyes expressing what his mouth can't.
     "You would have done the same," I say shortly, and head to the kitchen to wash the dishes.
A while later, James enters the kitchen while talking animatedly on the phone, using vigorous hand gestures and a stiff composure. As I rinse the last plate and place it on the rack, James angrily hangs up, and crosses his arms tightly over his chest.
"What's wrong?" I ask tentatively, and Hames whips his head to face me.
"The stupid police came up with nothing. They've decided to just put a bunch of 'have you seen this boy?' posters around the city, that's it! That's fucking it!"
I flinch internally, surprised at his vulgar language. He doesn't usually curse.
"Fuck them. All of them. I'm going to the beach to see if there are any signs. Are you with me?", he says hotly, still standing rigidly. His face starts to take on a red hue. I hesitantly nod my head, and he exhales sharply. "Let's go," he tells me shortly and goes back to my room. He comes out a few seconds later with his shoes on. "What are you fucking waiting for?", he asks me, and I jump, then scurry to my room to change.
I don't reprimand him for cursing at me. I understand this is important for him and he's barely holding his temper back from smashing everything and anything. I quickly throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top, and opt for a pair of flip flops, not wanting to earn myself another insult hurled at me.
James, upon seeing me, whirls around and leaves the house, and I catch up with him. He slams the car door shut and turns on the car, then we make our way to the beach.

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