Faults Of Being Famous (OneShot)

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Faults of Being Famous

The halls were silent, he took a deep breath as he surveyed the area, everything looked the same, even the pot plants that he probably walked past a dozen times looked the same, they weren't even real, just plastic, fake. It wasn't just the halls that looked the same, it was everything, it was all boring and grey to him. Pushing himself away from his unwanted thoughts he knows he probably should've asked for help from someone passing by, but the chances of a scandal or rumour appearing were too high. 'The faults of being famous.'

Apparently having a short break from work made him completely lose his set. He hadn't really been paying attention to the staff when they had explained which way the bathroom was and how to find his way back to set '7'. He had found the bathroom but had gotten completely lost afterwards, so instead of asking for help he had been making random turns for the past 10 minutes. Looking blankly at the rooms as he strode past them he breathed out a sigh of relief when he found door '5', that meant his studio was right around the corner. Speeding up into an almost jog he immediately ran into someone who unlike himself fell to the floor with a groan due to his bigger stature. Helping the much lighter male up with ease his eyes traced the figure, a small amount of annoyance exuded of him as he realised the other was taller than him. As the other dusted himself off while apologising and eventually looked up, his heart raced. The world suddenly became that much more beautiful and bright, he hadn't ever felt this way before, and it was all because of the slim male in front of him with bright rose red hair and attractive dark eyes. He broke out of his daze when he noticed that the man had been awkwardly standing in front of him.

"Sorry about that, I was in a rush to get through, are you part of the staff?"

"I guess."

His heart fluttered, his voice was like the finest silk, gentle and flowing but sweet like honey. His thoughts were to messed up to even comprehend the odd answer. Catching that he had gotten lost in the world of his thoughts again he quickly introduced himself.

"Crap! I haven't introduced myself, names Jackson Wang." Feeling that he had slightly redeemed himself, he waited for the loud or maybe (rare) subtle reaction from the angel, but instead received nothing. Just a 'normal' response.

"I'm BamBam." After maintaining a few minutes of eye contact, he quickly excused himself and walked away. Ignoring the tug in his chest, he took one last glance at the others back who had also walked away, making eye contact once again with the other, before turning away, he already missed the feeling of BamBam's smaller hand in his own, however small the touch was. His world turned grey once again when he realised that he might not be able to meet the man again.

Looking into the room he had been looking for, he immediately slammed the door shut, mind going a million miles a minute. That wasn't his set. His gaze flitted down the hall and without thinking, walked down it, hoping to once again run into a certain attractive redhead.

"This is a bad idea"

"I'm just asking for directions," he told himself. He knew that if he got into a relationship with someone, much less a male, his world would take a turn. Because as much as he didn't want to admit it, society has yet to fully except his partner preference. As he sped his stride into a jog, he soon saw the unsuspecting male next to the vending machine in the hall. He had probably looked like an excited puppy chasing its owner when he had called the other's name, he didn't care anymore.

Reaching the male, he noticed that the others confused frown had turned into a smile when he had spotted him. Taking a step closer than he probably should've, he realised that the other looked completely amused and affectionate at the same time.

The Faults of Being Famous: JackBam (Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now