Chapter 13

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"Pleease don't tell her Falen please!" Andre was saying as he was trying to catch up to me. I didn't want to hear it. I had enough of this bullshit. It's just too much right now. I don't know how but i have to tell Alexa. I don't know if she'll believe me but i sure as hell will make her.

I ignored Andre as I headed to class. I walked into the class, as I looked back out the hallway I saw Andre had left. Good. I started to head to my seat trying not to make eye contact. It was kind of hard while Jason was whispering my name.

"Miss Peterson" I stopped and looked at Mr.Phalps.

"Mr.Phalps" i said back

He rolled his eyes.


"Where is your pass?" He asked

Damn I forgot to go to the main desk to get a late pass. I wasn't even thinking about it when I saw..yea that.

"Uh can you just put me as late on your little chart thing." I say

"Yea as soon as you give me a pass. Or i will put it as you were skipping" He said

Damn. Who spit in his coffee?

I groaned as I turned around to get a pass. This day can't possibly turn out better huh?


I could tell Falen was annoyed by Mr.Phalps. I honestly don't know whats wrong with him today. He usually isn't this ass holey if that's a thing. But it seemed like something else was bothering her and I wanted to find out. Natalia wasn't in class today thank God. I don't know where she is and i couldnt care less. I really was worried about Falen so i decided that i was going to figure out what was wrong.

"Yes" Mr.Phalps said as he pointed to my hand that was in the air.

"I need to piss" I said

I heard a few laughs. He furrowed his eyebrows as if he was thinking about the fact that I said that out loud.

"Thanks for sharing that with us. Ill be sure to announce that with the rest of the world. Your excused." He said.

I smiled, got up, got the pass and went to find Falen.

As I was roaming the hallways i turned a corner and saw Natalia and Andre talking. It looked like they were arguing about something. I really didn't want to talk to Natalia but i wanted to know why Andre was talking to her after everything that happened.

"Whats going on with you guys?" I asked more towards Andre

"Why? Its none of your business" Natalia said

"Andre..whats going on with you guys?" I ask again a little annoyed.

"Did she tell you? he asked

"Who Falen? Tell me what?" I say

He sighed with a smile.

"Nothing man nothing" He said then started to walk away.

"No it ain't nothing!" Natalia yelled at him. He stopped dead in his tracks. He turned to her then walked up to her.

"You said-"

"I know what I said but this is your best friend. Tell him or I will" Natalia said

"and why would you do that?"Andre said looking pissed.

"Tell me what!?" I say confused as hell. I don't know whats going on but one of them better start talking now.

"Whats going on here" I turned around to see Falen.

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