Chapter 3

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I went into the house knowing where to look but hoping Andre wasn't there. I went up the stairs literally praying that Andre wasn't in one of these room with some girl. I'm looking through practically every room and he isn't here but catching people in the most awkward situations and kicking them out. Its not that kind of party sorry and its my house. There was one more room to go and i couldn't tell you how suspenseful it was. I slowly opened the door and i looked inside. No one was in there. Thank God. I ran back downstairs to continue looking. I couldn't find him anywhere in the house. So i went out to the back by the pool and what do i see?

Andre making out with some blonde haired girl in the pool. Seriously?

"Andre you dumb ass! What the hell are you doing?" I yell at him.  He turns his attention toward my and I could tell he was really drunk. I walk over to him to pull him out of the pool. He nearly pulls me in there with them. But i have more stability than him so i pull him out. He looked at me then smiles and laughs.

"Ayyy hey Jason my man!" He slurs.

This guy.

"Heeey yea you know your in some deep crap with your girl man." I say to him

"What are you talking abou- *Hiccups* about?" He says

God I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"My girls over there man" He says as he points to the girl in the pool.

"You are pathetic you know that? You girlfriend is out front crying her eyes out because of you" I explain

"No no what? Alexa? What did- did i do?" He slurs

"Your with another girl you ass! Cmon" I yell at him. I help him walk over to the front where Alexa was crying on the steps and Falen consoling her.

Alexa looks up at Andre and her whole facial expression changed from sadness to anger. I've never seen anything like it.

"YOU ASSHOLE" She screams at him then lunges at him. Luckily for Andre me and Falen grabbed her.

"Alexa no!" Falen tells Alexa

"Cmon babe I'm sorry. I thought she was you. *Hiccups* I didn't mean to do it" Andre explains

"How did you not mean it when you thought she was me you jerk!" Alexa yells

Clearly these two are both drunk and we need to get them home so they can sleep this off.

"Cmon ill drive them home in my car" I say to Falen

"What about Alexa's car?" She asks

"She can get it tomorrow" I say

Falen nodded and i walk Andre to my car and Falen walks with Alexa.


I just dropped off Andre and Alexa. Me and Falen put water and aspirin on each of their bedside tables. I was on my way to drop off Falen. After everything that's happened I'm glad to finally be alone with her. There's just something about her that

"That was crazy huh?" I said

"Yea it was. I cant believe he did that. They've been together for 2 years" She said I like the sound of her voice. Its very soothing.

"Yea. Shows that not everyone is perfect huh?" I said

She laughed.

"You can say that again" she said.

I smiled.

"So whats your story?" I asked her

She looked at me then straight ahead

"Its not interesting" she said

"But I'm interested" I said with a smile

I saw her smile

"I'm trying to save you from a boring sad story." She said

"Hit me" I said

"Okaay. Well when i was younger my dad died. I saw it. Everything. Witnessing a death can mess you up but when your only a child seeing your father shot by a stranger can just mess up your whole life. My mom she became a different person she doesn't even care about me. But i can tell she misses him. Sometimes i just feel alone. Alexa helps but she cant always be there you know? Its just ...hard" She explains

Wow. This girl has alot going on. I cant believe she's telling me all this when she just met me a couple of hours ago. I'm also glad she can trust me with this. For some reason I feel like i should be there for her.

"I can relate to that you know. My mom died when I was 10 and my dad left me and my older brother a month after. We moved through foster homes until my brother turned 18. He moved into a house and i was able to live with him. Now all he does is smoke and lay on his ass all day. No job. Nothing. I work to help pay the bills and things. Its really just my brother and I against the world. I surround myself with other people because i feel like i don't have to worry about anything. It makes me i guess." I cant believe i was telling her all this. I don't even tell Andre bout this kind of stuff.

I could tell she was listening. She looked at me.

"Not everyone's perfect right?" She said

We both chuckled. Next thing I know we were at her house.

She turned to me.

"We could be there for each other you know? Each others savior" She said followed by a laugh. I laughed with her.

"Yea. If you ever need someone to talk to just ya know. Text me. Ill put my number in your phone if that's cool.

She nodded and gave me her phone. I put my number in.

"Ill see you later" she said

I leaned in and kissed her cheek. I'm such a loser.

I could tell she was blushing. She smiled and got out the car. I waited until i saw her go in.

I wish this night would last forever.


I walked in my house still blushing from what just happened. What just happened?

I had butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't wipe this smile from my face. I cant believe i told him everything like that. He was just so easy to talk to. After everything i just needed someone to talk to. Tonight was perfect aside from Alexa and Andre. Hopefully that will get sorted out tomorrow.

I walk upstairs to my room and put on my pj's. Ill take a shower tomorrow. I still have a headache from drinking tonight.

I like Jason. That's weird because i think he likes me back. No one really pays attention to me so that's a great feeling. I looked at my clock. 3:47 a.m. Sunday August 8th 2014. Oh god. School starts in a week. I'm so nervous. Its a new school and I wont know anyone but Alexa and Andre. If they will still be together by then. I wasted my summer and I'm gonna waste this school year. I'm just going to fly through this year. Not gonna talk to anyone or do anything. Just go there and leave. That's easy right?

I lay on my bed thinking about tonight and about Jason and the car ride conversation. I would have never guessed any of that about him. I cant believe he trusts me enough to tell me all that he must like me. I smile at the thought. I turn out my light and close my eyes.

I wish this night would last forever.



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