Chapter 2

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I took a quick nap before the party. It was 7:00 and I haven't started getting ready. I went upstairs to my room. I opened my closet and started to look for something to wear. Nothing. Great. I kept looking anyway to find something somewhat decent to wear. I found these ripped blue denim shorts and a white shirt with a big red heart on the front and the back was laced. I put that on and some white vans. I went to the bathroom and did my makeup and combed down my long black hair. I finished up everything and went downstairs to watch t.v. until Alexa came.

I heard a beep outside and i looked at the clock. It was 8:32. I grabbed a jacket and my house key to lock the door and left.

Alexa was driving her red Toyota Corolla. It was a cute car. I never had a car or ever tried to get my license. My mother never even bothered to try to get me to. Andre was sitting in the front seat. I got in the back and we took off.

"How you been girl?" Alexa asked

"Fine i guess" I said with a chuckle

You'll feel better at this party. My friend Jason is hosting it. Ill introduce you guys. You'll like him hes a good guy." Andre said

"Cool" I said

I really don't want to associate with anyone or meet anyone new because its just a set up for heartbreak or disappointment. We arrived at the party and it looked packed. I could hear the music about half a mile from being there. Alexa parked the car and we all got out. Andre and Alexa started to walk in. I paused in my foot steps just observing the scene and regretting my decision. So many people. Alexa and Andre turned to look at me and smile. They started to walk towards my and grabbed my arms.

"Cmon Falen. Itll be fun!" Alexa said with a smile on her face

Yea!" Andre agreed

I sighed.

We walked in the big house to be greeted with laser lights, loud music, and people dancing. Alexa had already start dancing a little to the music. Andre showed us to the kitchen and got us a couple of drinks.

"I don't know about this guys." I said worriedly

"Cmon just turn up. Regret it in the morning" She yelled trying to get me to hear her over the music.

She smiled and i smiled back.

"There we go" She yelled

She was right. Its just one night and i don't know anyone here so i should just have fun. We went into the room where everyone was dancing and all three of us started going crazy with drinks in our hands. I admit i was having fun and the moment was just right. All of a sudden i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Andre standing next to this gorgeous guy. He was wearing a light blue shirt with jean short and sneakers. His hair was black and short and his skin was the perfect shade of dark brown. I realized i was staring and pointed my eyes somewhere else.

"Falen this is Jason" Andre yelled

Jason looked at me and smiled. Oh god. His smile is perfect. What the hell am i thinking? I barely know this guy and I'm thinking he's this perfect human being.

I smiled back and shook his hand.

"Whats your name gorgeous?" He yelled

Do i even have to say it?

"Its Falen" I said

"That's beautiful" He said smiling his beautiful smile of his.

"Thanks" I could tell i was blushing so I asked Jason where the bathroom was. he pointed me the way and i went in and leaned against the door.

God. What the hell am I doing? I'm so stupid. He wouldn't like a girl like me. I'm nobody. Nobody interesting. Just a girl with a sob story, crappy mom, and one friend. I just washed my hands to make it seem like i actually did something. I walked back out and searched for Alexa. I couldn't find her so i stepped outside and sat on the steps for a while.

15 minutes passed and i heard someone walk out. It was Jason. He saw me and smiled and sat down next to me.

"Hey whats wrong? My party not good enough for you" He said jokingly

"Ha. No its just..not my style i guess" I said

"I see. Your that type of girl" He said.

I couldn't help but to get a little offended.

"Whats 'that' type of girl?" I said with a little sternness in my voice

"Oh no i didn't mean it like that i was just saying like your that type of girl who keeps to herself you know? Who doesn't let that many people in." He said.

"Oh" I said

He was right. But he didn't know me. He doesn't know my story.

"I'm right aren't I?" He said with a smile

I laughed and looked at him. He had beautiful brown eyes.

We talked for about 20 minutes until Alexa came out the door bawling her eyes out and mumbling about something.

She was tripping and all over the place. She was drunk.

Me and Jason tried to help and stabilize her.

"Whats wrong Alexa?' I asked

She was muttering and I couldn't understand her. Either something is wrong or shes just drunk. I think shes just drunk.

"Where is Andre?" Jason asked

She cried even louder and fell to her knees. 

Something must have happened with him.

"Ill be right back" Jason said running into the house.

What happened?


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