Chapter 6

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I walked up the steps to the big and old looking school building. This school looks like its been here for about 500 years. Cedarwood High. The name gives me chills down my spine. I see people everywhere. Ugh. I slowly walk to the big brown doors and pass people being reunited with friends, boyfriends and girlfriends. I used to go to this school called Riverdell but we moved last year. The only reason I wasn't upset was because i was moving closer to Alexa and she was going to the same school.

I walked through the doors to be greeted by a man I'm guessing he's a teacher here. He's wearing a long sleeve blue striped button down shirt with khaki pants and these ugly looking loafer shoes. Ew.

"Hello! Welcome to Cedarwood. All students are to go to the gymnasium to get their schedules, locker number and combination." He said cheerfully.


He points me in the direction to the gym. I walk into the gym and there are alot of people here. I see about 5 different lines going toward different tables. There are signs posted on the tables that has a letter a dash then another letter. Last names. I look for my letter and get in line with the sign that says P-T. Its wasn't that many people int he line so i wouldn't be waiting long. About 3 minutes passed until I heard a familiar voice.

"Falen?!" The voice said.

Oh.My.God. It isn't. I quickly turn my head to see Jason. OH MY GOD! My eyes got big and I smiled. He ran over to me and gave me a big hug picking me up of the ground.

"Oh my God Jason what the hell?!" I said

"Why didn't you tell me you were going here?" He asked

"I didn't say anything because i didn't think it would matter. I didn't think you would be here" I said with a smile. I'm so happy Jason is here. This school just got a whole lot better.

"I'm going to go get in line to get my schedule and stuff so ill see you later?" He said.

"Of course" I said. He gave me a peck on my lips and went to get in his line. I was next in my line. There were 3 people sitting behind the table. It was 2 women and 1 man and  they had folders with lists of names on them.

"Last name?" One of the women said.

"Peterson" I said.

They looked through the papers and found my name. It was a sheet behind it with my schedule and locker stuff. They handed it to me. I thanked them and walked out of the gym. I looked at my schedule and I hate it already. I got most of the hard stuff first.

1st Bell- Chemistry, 2nd-History, 3rd-Health, 4th-English, 5th-Lunch, 6th-Art, 7th-Geometry, 8th-Gym.

Ugh. Chemistry first? I can't. Hopefully ill have Jason in most of my classes. I go to find my locker. I find it and put in my combination. It doesn't open. Great. I try it again. It still doesn't open. I'm about to stab my locker if it doesn't open. I try it again. Nothing. I get annoyed and kick my locker but not too hard.

I hear someone laugh. I see a girl walking up to me. She's pretty with brown short curly hair that goes a little past her shoulders. She's wearing a black shirt with blue skinny jeans and some toms. When you look at her she looks like she's the most innocent girl ever.

"Having trouble?" She asks with a smile. Her voice was soft. It suited her.

"Ugh. Yeah. I tried it about a thousand times but it just wont open" I explain.

"Let me try" She says

"Go ahead. If I cant I'm sure you wont be able to either" I say

She was carrying some books and she set them down on the ground.

Close to PerfectionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang