Chapter 11

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"AHHH JASON STOP IT" Falen cries out as shes laughing. We decided to go out and have some fun you know with everything that's been going on. We deserve some fun right? Yea i thought so. We were at this place called Jim's Play Pen. I know what your thinking. Isn't that a kids place? Maybe but i admit it is fun. Despite the fact we were the only teenagers actually playing and having fun. Andre and Alexa was inside the Jungle Gym making out. Yea. I was madly tickling Falen in the ball pen. We kept falling over and getting lost under the balls. Tears were forming in Falens eyes. That's how i know i got her good.

"Jason.." She says in between her laughs

I give her a break..for now.

"Oh my God. Thank you jeez" She said slapping my arm

"Ow" I say sarcastically. She starts chasing me. I start running and were just chasing each other almost bumping into other little kids who were looking at us like we were another species. We chased each other until Falen was tired and just flat out sat down exactly where she was standing.

"I'm gonna get you. Just watch. You wont know when, or where. Just know its coming" She said with this evil look in her eye. I smiled and went to see if Andre and Alexa were still in their 'spot'.

I heard some little kid yell "EWWWW!" and i suspect that reaction was too Andre and Alexa. I was right.

"Guys. Have y'all come up for air yet?" I said snapping my fingers beside their heads.

"You do know this is a CHILDRENS place right?" I said.

They just looked at me. Then went back at it. I gave up and walked back to where Falen was sitting.


Jason came and sat next to me.

"They still going at it?" I ask

"Yep" He said. We both smiled

I punched him in his arm.

"OWWW What was that for?" He asked acting like he was going to cry

"I told you I was gonna get you back" I said with a smile then slowly got up until he came chasing after me. I love this about our relationship. We have fun. Its real and I can tell. I love him.




We were all just walking trying to figure out what we were going to do. I really didn't want to run into Natalia. If i did, it would be time to settle some business.  Then my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and i couldn't believe my eyes.

It was my mom.

I slide the green answer button to the right and slowly put the phone to my ear.

 "...Hello?" I said hesitantly

"Baby..Where are you? Why aren't you home" She said. I can tell she was drunk.

"Why are you so worried now? You haven't been home in days then all of a sudden your home and you care?" I said getting angry and annoyed

"You will respect me Falen!" She said almost crying. Here it comes

"You think that just because I'm going through some things that I'm a bad person. Now I will tell you that you WILL respect me. I want you hoe now!" She said yelling through the phone. I wanted to hang it up in her face.

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