"I know, but that boy won't so we both came in by the window we saw opened."

"Jin.. You should hide.. Yugyeom will be here soon.."

Jin looked around and see a closet. He hides in there after he heard Yugyeom cursing.

"When did I have any visitor?"

Namjoon gulped and bit his lips in fear. His breath hitched as he sees Yugyeom looking as shock as he did. But then, he saw that smirk.

"Oh, Namjoon~ it's been a while, huh."


"Fuck! Where is he?!"

Jungkook growled as he kept running around the castle. It was also tiring since he also had to hide whenever he saw a maid or guard.

Every room he found, no one. Jungkook found another room and opened it. His eyes widen to see what was inside.


A maid shrieked. She was getting dressed and Jungkook had barged in. Jungkook didn't care about her being naked and approached her.

"Bitch, tell me where they keep the human, Min Yoongi. Tell me and I won't hurt you."

Jungkook threatens. The woman's body shakes as Jungkook glares at her.

"H-he is just.. T-three more doors away from this room.."

The maid said. Jungkook smirks and knocks the maid out. He ran out of the room and passes three doors.

As he came closer to the forth one, he breathed in and placed his hand on the knob. He felt butterflies as he was soon to hold his baby again. But his body froze, he can hear Yoongi's voice. He was talking to someone.

"Baby, do you think you daddy will save me? I still can't forget our fight.."

Jungkook listened closely and put his ear on the door.

"Wow, just yesterday I thought you were big, but now you grew bigger! My pregnancy became more evident!"

Yoongi exclaimes.

Jungkook felt this emotion rush into him. He can hear Yoongi taking to their baby. He always imagined seeing Yoongi pregnant. His dreams keeps coming true.

"You know, I should be feeling lonely without your daddy, but since your here, I don't!"

Jungkook felt his eyes blurry.

"But I miss him.. Ever since I gotten pregnant with you, I couldn't hug or kiss your daddy. It made me sad. I got taken away without being hugged or kissed. We fought instead.

"Ah, but it isn't your fault! It's okay. Once he comes we'll give him lots of love that he needs."

Jungkook wipes his tears and slowly opens the door. Yoongi looked up and widen his eyes.

His eyes started to get shiny as he sees Jungkook standing at the doorway. Yoongi sniffed and got off the bed. He ran to Jungkook and hugged him.

Jungkook kicked the door close and nuzzled his nose into Yoongi's soft hair. Yoongi quietly cried in his chest as Jungkook softly cried and kissed Yoongi's head.


Yoongi hiccuped. Jungkook felt his heart race at the sound of Yoongi calling his name again. He cupped Yoongi's rosy cheeks and wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry, baby.. I didn't mean to hurt you like that.. I'm sorry.."

Jungkook  whispered as he lovingly kissed his forehead.

"I-it's okay.. Jungkook I'm sorry for ruining y-your friendship with Yugeyom.."

Yoongi sniffed. Jungkook shooked his head and hugged Yoongi tight.

"No, no. It's okay. I hate him for taking you away from me. I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him for what he did to you and what he did in the past."

Those words were the words Yoongi wanted to hear when he first told Jungkook about Yugyeom. It may sound harsh, but he didn't care. He wants that demon dead.

"Let's get out of here."

Jungkook said as he carried Yoongi bridal style. He opened the window and flew out. He flew towards the carriage and landed beside it.

"Yoongi, wait in here. I need to go and help Namjoon and Jin out. Okay?"

Yoongi wiped his tears and nodded. Jungkook smiles and kissed Yoongi on the lips missing the feel. The human blushed and cupped Jungkook's face to give him a kiss back.

Jungkook smiled and helped Yoongi get in the carriage.

"Do not go out."

Jungkook warned. Yoongi nods and hugs his stomach. Jungkook looks down and smiles.

He then ran to the castle going to help Jin and Namjoon. Jungkook also was determind to take Yugyeom back to his castle for torture. He will let Yugyeom die slowly with regret filling his body.

Yoongi waited anxiously for the three's return. He looked down on his stomach and poked it.

"Psst, I just kissed your dad. You really do listen, huh."

Yoongi sighed contently.

He looked out the carriage and widen his eyes to see Jungkook running back with Yugyeom passed out in his arms. Jin and Namjoon also ran out.

Yoongi opened the carriage and flinched when Jungkook just threw Yugyeom in like a sack of rice.

All three got in and shouted at the butler to go. Jungkook hugged Yoongi from the side as the said male stared at Yugyeom.

"H-how did you.."

"Jungkook literally pushed his hand inside Yugyeom's mouth and made him eat a pill.."

Namjoon explained as he cringed. Yoongi turned towards Jungkook and scrunched his face in disgust.

"What the heck, Jungkook. That's disgusting."

Jungkook shrugged.

"It'll be more disgusting if I rip him into pieces. But I won't. Yet."

"Why was it so easy?"

Yoongi asked.

"Shouldn't there be more.. Fighting? I'm not saying that it's good.. But I thought it'll be harder.."

Yoongi said as he looked dowb to feel Jungkook's hand on his stomach. Yoongi felt like a happy teletubby.

"You may think Yugyeom's strong, but he isn't. He is one of the most low royal in the demon world."

Jungkook said as he fondly stared at Yoongi while rubbing his growing stomach. The couple smiled at each other finally being closer again.

Namjoon and Jin smiled at each other, until Namjoon frowned and looked away.

Jin shooked his head and looked out the window, smiling like an idiot.

"It'll take me baby steps, huh.."


For my Taegi story.. I already got what y'all(some) wanted.

Should I wait for more votes or should I just annouce it now?

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