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" I don't understand why are you so mad? Your hair looks so cute " jin pouted as he ruffled jimin hair, the boy whined as he lowered his head, " you don't understand.. we are not allowed to dye our hair.. at least for the show.. " jimin felt sad as he looked down.

" and I don't want to dye it black.. I like my light hair.. it makes me feel different " he muttered as he ignored the images of his old self flashing in his mind, " isn't that too much? It just dance- " jin frowned as he lowered his head, " sorry.. I mean- " the younger interrupted him, " it's ok.. I know but because she is really strict when it comes to her work that why.. ".

" I understand why but she already hate me because of the paper from last time so I hope she won't scold me.. " he frowned as he caressed his hair, " I can't believe he did this.. after everything.. it's hard for me to open up to others yet he treated it as if I told him a normal fact about myself " the boy said as he looked at the sky.

" maybe it's a sign.. I shouldn't trust others easily " jimin smiled as he kept looking at the sky, jin felt sorry as he knew jimin won't take it easy, " maybe it is.. yet you shouldn't shut yourself away from others " he added as he rubbed jimin back gently, " yeah.. maybe " he smiled as he looked back to the sky.


" you told us to stop yet you still humiliated him " a boy said from behind jungkook, the taller frowned as he glanced at him, " at least it's a dye not a fucking injury. " he blurted out before looking back to his phone ignoring the boy presence.

" I am curious though, why do you do this to him? What do you know about him that you treat him like this? " he asked as jungkook ignored him, the boy was getting irritated by jungkook ignorance that he pulled his collar to make him face him yet jungkook still didn't bother to look at him.

" let go while I ask nicely " he said with a straight face, " answer my question? What so special about jimin? " he shouted gaining more attention from the students surrounding them, " not your fucking business so let go! " jungkook said as he pushed the boy away leading him to fall.

Taehyung was walking inside the cafeteria along with bogum when he saw jungkook push the boy, " wait a minute bogum.. " he frowned as he rushed toward his friend, " so first you ask us to hurt him and suddenly change your mind! And now what? this? " the boy scoffed as he stood up.

" shut up. " jungkook growled as he glared at the boy, " jungkook! Come with me " taehyung said as he pulled the angry boy but jungkook moved him out of his way as he walked toward the shorter again, " jungkook it's not worth it! " he shouted as he pulled him again.

" if you touch one strand of his hair I am fucking killing you! " he pointed at the boy who just glared at him, it was true he asked them to annoy jimin but he never meant that they could hurt him, he wanted to prank him yes, it would have hurt him anyway but still he won't be in pain from injuries, he won't have scars from the healed cuts.

He was messed up in the mind, he hated how his mind and body works but he can't do anything about it, he was bad at expressing himself, taehyung is the only one who always helped me to stop acting reckless but this time even taehyung couldn't save jimin from him.

Taehyung is still angry at him, he ignored him as soon as he said he will annoy jimin but when he needed him he is there to help him, he followed him out of the cafeteria in hope he would be able to help him solve this stupid problem he created to himself.

Hopefully find a way.. to mend jimin heart and gain at least a second chance, he knew it's hard but he really wanted the boy, he always got what he desire but this time he can't even have jimin by his side and it really killing him inside, he wanted to take his mind out of all of this but he didn't know how.

I am really sleepy so I will post the rest once I wake up, sorry I was really going to publish them all tonight but my grandma suddenly made me take my cousins to the hospital and I already had a very long and exhausting day so yeah..

•Pinkie || JikookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora