Chapter 11

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Joslynn’s POV

It’s hard…you know, forgiving people who have hurt you. But, it becomes easier when you remember all of the good that person has done for you. We all have that one person who just means so much to us, that we’d do anything to get them back. We love that person so much, forgiving them is easier…yet harder at the same time.

I know Louis didn’t mean to do what he did, but he didn’t exactly act how I expected him to afterward. He didn’t try and fix his wrong, but made the lie bigger by going along with it. Louis, being probably the most important person in my life, is expected to always be there for me and have the occasional “mess-up.”

It was just surprising knowing he didn’t want to fix his wrong. But, we all have to forgive and forget. Like I said before, forgiving that one person is easier, yet harder at the same time. It’s easier to forgive them, if you think of all the things they’ve done right. It’s harder to forgive them, knowing they would actually do something to hurt you, whether it be on purpose or accidental.

I was so caught up in thinking about it being harder, I didn’t think about how it could be easier. I focused so much on the wrong, I couldn’t focus on the right. And, there are definitely more rights than there are wrongs. I know Louis messed up, be we all deserve a second chance. Hell, we deserve a third, fourth or fifth chance.

We’re only human. I know I would like a lot of chances, so why shouldn’t I give a lot of chances? We’re all going to mess up in life, and probably more than five times. A bunch of little fights shouldn’t hold my friendship with Louis back. If he’s my best friend, I should be able to forgive him.

Now, I’m not trying to say that EVERYONE deserves an INFINITE amount of chances, but the people who have done so much right for you deserve more chances than anyone else in your life. If Louis had already done more wrong than he had done right, it would have been SO much harder forgiving him.

But, Louis isn’t perfect. But, he’s my best friend. He means the world to me, and I can’t let his simple, human mistakes get in the way of us. It’s time to forgive and forget. It’s what he deserves. Plus, I messed up BIG TIME in this situation, too. It’s not all Louis’s fault. I didn’t listen to him, I accused him of things he could never do, and I focused too much on the things he’s done wrong.

Louis messes up a lot. But, I do, too.

Louis can do more right than I can. Louis has done SO much for me to the point it’s overwhelming. He’ll be by my side when I’m sick, he’ll stick up for me when someone is picking on me, he’ll support my decisions, he’ll give me advice, he’ll be there to simply listen, and he’ll be there to simply play around and be silly with. He’s perfectly imperfect.

I was currently sitting in my car in the passenger seat, Liam beside me. We were in the driveway and Liam had just listened to everything on my mind. He listened intently on each word I had to say, was there to wipe each tear I had to shed, and gave me as many hugs as I needed.

It was 4:00 PM. We had been out for five hours. Five.

That’s the thing I love about Liam. I know he’s there for me almost as much as Louis is. Liam is more of the protective, older brother, and I guess Louis is…the annoying little five year old brother you can’t help but choose as favorite over your other siblings? That’s the best way I can put it, at least. …Even though Louis is three years older than me.

“You have to go in sometime.” Liam said, breaking me from my thoughts.

I sighed and said, “I guess I do, don’t I?”

“I know you don’t want to face him, but you have to at some point. It may be hard at first, but I’m sure everything will turn out fine in the end.” Liam said, offering a warm smile.

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