"Why you remind me so much of Kenny, why he became a kishin, and why I typically don't like you."

There were some whispers from my classmates as they looked at each other for answers and one of them I heard was 'Isn't she a witch?'

"Would you like to explain."-M

She mocked me so I walked closer to her and unconsciously powered up my weapons with the spell. Electricity sparked off of them and after one step with lightning speed I slowly slash Maka in random places as I explained.

"You want to know well you see my best friend Kenny is the son of a witch and even though many hated him he still admired meisters and weapons, and one of the people he admired the most was you, Maka and Soul. He always practiced your sense of fighting practicing with his own homemade death scythe. One day he came to me and he wasa kishin that day and it was our first fight only later that day did I discover why he became that way and it was because his mother Arachne was killed by other than you. Arachne never like me too much because of my mother but because of you I lost my best friend."


I stopped moving and the wounds on her began to make themselves known and blood gushed from her body, as mine was already done bleeding and dry blood covered me everywhere. Maka started to fall but Soul un-transformed and caught her.

"The reason I only remember now was because I locked some of my memories away to not remember the things I don't want to remember, but just because I don't like you so much doesn't mean I don't care for you."

I kneel next to her and close her wounds, leaving me breathless. I slump down and wipe off some of my sweat. She gets up and with the new look in her eyes which showed me all the things I needed to know.

"You don't care just like I do and you cannot say you don't if you didn't. I hope that after this we can be friends as I don't want to be enemies and I know that you being my friend would make me happier than having to fight you for the rest of my life. I'm not forcing you to but I think we both will be able to benefit from putting our differences aside."

There was a moments pause as we waited for Maka's decision. I was weak too weak to even hold Hikaru and Kaoru that they already transformed back and watched this unfold. We all waited patiently until Maka spoke.

"I-I resign." She looked at me. "I hope you keep your word."

"Don't worry I will."

I smiled and Hikaru and Kaoru picked me up by the arms and carry me away back into the crowd. My friends came up to me but worried only for a short while as Kid's fight began. It was a good fight but I noticed kid to be a little mad from his expressions and how he fought. My energy returned to me during the fight that I already healed all my wounds. I was honestly a bit uncomfortable as I could hear people talking about me and how I am a witch and whenever they looked at me, most of the time with a disgusted look, Black Star or the twins would glare back or would say a rude remarks. Kid, when he came back, looked at me with a certain look and sat next to me really closely making me blush and the twins smile and I also felt like the Lord Death was also smiling in the Death Room and I probably wasn't wrong. Stein let us have a 30 minute break before me and Kid's fight started so that we can gain back some energy and it gave me time to think of why Kid could be acting like this.

'Why is Kid acting like this? Did I do something but that can't be right. I mean he looked at me with a look of hate but at the same time he is sitting next to me like I'm a teddy bear. Hmm there's a word for this isn't there? It sounds like jelly. Aah this hurts my brain. I'll just ask.'-thought

"Hey Kid." He looked at me.

"Are you jelly?"

Kid looked a bit taken aback and I could hear they guys snickering behind me and I bet a 50 Lord Death is watching this happen with a smile on his face. Kid took a moment to regain himself but he didn't say anything. I could still hear the snickers behind me and I saw Maka roll her eyes and Tsubaki shook her head and Liz and Patty just did their own thing.

"Cause if you are you shouldn't be because I'm all yours."

I give Kid an innocent smile as he looked at me with a visible blush on hid face. The next thing I know I felt an arm around my neck and I saw another arm around Kid's and we were pushed forward as our lips connected. We separated and hid our faces and my ears heard a faint laugh that sounded like Lord Death's and I put a note down in my head to get myself a 50. I looked over at the twins knowing that they did it and all they did was give their infamous shrug.

"Kid, Y/n come on let's get this over with."-S

We got up and it marked the beginning of me and Kid's first fight.

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