Episode 36: "Side 3...for what purpose?"

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Frame 36: The Elite Forces of Nemesis

Back on the Raven-star, Hylis prepared herself for her infamous last speech that will set trigger the road to the New Era for the future generation after hers.

“They’re ready for you malady,” said Lt. Rock. She flipped back her hair and came out of her office and headed toward the balcony of the mobile suit deck.

“Imperial Princess…will our objective be clear today?” asked Lt. Rock.

“An elite fleet will be heading over to Side 3. I myself will assist.”

“Side 3…for what purpose?”

“We’re going to plummet that colony into the Earth with everyone in it,” she said with no emotion.

“What?!” shouted Lt. Rock, stopping. She did the same and looked at him sharply, seeing that he was slipping away from her own control.

“I…I didn’t sign up to kill innocent people, not like that,” he added.

“What don’t you get Rock? Join with me or die that is their only choice. Side 7 submitted to me and soon the entire Earth Sphere. Side 3 will be an example of those who defy me. So Rock…are you in…or out?” She quickly secured the hold she had over him.

“I’m in…of course. I’m sorry for speaking out of terms,” he said as she placed a hand on his shoulder,

“In order for peace to be achieved, destruction must be made,” she said, assuring him that this was the way. She continued walking down the hallway. She approached the podium on the balcony and was greeted by a roaring crowd of followers.

“My brave and glorious Elite Forces of Nemesis soldiers, I am very pleased to announce that the Andromeda has reduced half of the AEUG Forces to star dust. It is because of those enemies—the Earth Federation and AEUG Forces that has tossed you into the darkness, but today we say no more! This beautiful light is proof, that the Elite Forces of Nemesis’ revenge and justice is severed.

These fools have become weak…corrupted…and complacent. The time is now for use to stand and make humanity remember that we are the superior breed! Soon all of Earth Sphere will know and bow to the might of Nemesis. 

It is with up most confidence that I, the Imperial Princess of the Elite Forces of Nemesis hereby declare it impossible for this weak faction to force their way and defeat us, this is the true reason for dropping Side 3 on Earth.

There is no other way for mankind to last forever, accept by living the now and under direct and complete control of we, the chosen superior race of the Elite Forces of Nemesis! If this war drags on, it would pose a serious threat to all of new mankind.

I stand before you a little while longer and ask you to fight not just by my side, but for the sake of your pride. For the sake of the Elite Forces of Nemesis ever lasting eternal New Era of Independence.

We must teach those idiotic Earth Federation and AEUG conformist a lesson they will never forget. Now is the time for us, the new mankind to stand up for the future and what is just! HAIL NEMESIS!”

            “Hail Nemesis! Hail Nemesis! Hail Nemsis!” the crowd chanted. The majority of the soldiers was moved by Imperial Princess Hylis’ speech, it got them pumped and ready for what must be done to achieve this New Era of Independence.

            Hylis main space fleet boarded the Raider and took off for Side 3. Hylis followed them closely behind onboard the Caesar while the secondary assault fleet from Luna II headed for Grenada.

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