Episode 21: "Wha...what are you doing here?"

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Frame 21: Shadows of the Twilight

Dukey was hit by shotgun shrapnel. The Hyaku Shiki Kai turned around to see the Kämpfer. “Kämpfer…I've heard of this mobile suit. They say if it was developed sooner into the one year war, the Zeon's would have been the victor,” thought Dukey as he pulled out his two hyper beam sabers and lunged at the Kämpfer.

Zach caught Dukey taking off out of the corner of his vision. “What is he doing?” Kämpfer sat up just as the Hyaku Shiki Kai hyper beam saber lunged into the ground, but in doing so the Kämpfer pointed its two giant bazookas (mounted on its back) at the Hyaku Shiki Kai head.

Dukey quickly slammed both wrists, while holding the hyper beam sabers into a spin helicopter-like shield of destruction. The spinning beams sliced through the cannons and Dukey backed away from the Kämpfer. “Leave this place and we will spare you! You have caused enough death for one day! Leave now!” shouted Dukey.

"This is no antique boy. You have no right to question our objective after the stunt you pulled back in space." said Lt. Newbark to Dukey.

            “Damn, there’s too many!” shouted Sam, firing his 2 x 90mm Gatling guns, mounted in the forearms.

“Shĭt!” cussed Rayse as the second generation Gundam Mark III jumped over a Gaza-D and then jabbed a beam saber in a Tai-Son. “Fighting Neo-Zeon soldiers is one thing, but the Titans too…”

The Nebula had found the Kämpfer, seeing it and Dukey were having their little skirmish. “What a shame. He offered you mercy and you said no.” Zach fired up his beam saber again and thrust it directly behind Lt. Newbark who lost his shotgun. “You are defenseless!” shouted Zach, but to his surprised the Kämpfer was still unbelievably fast as it propelled a panzer Faust which hit the Nebula’s shield as the whip dropped on the ground from it. Dukey pulled out his beam rifle and aimed them both at the Kämpfer’s feet. “Come out of your mobile suit! If those feet move I fire!” threatened Dukey.

"Wanna bet!" said Lt. Newbark as he fell on his back. The Kämpfer pocket opened up and it pulled out a fifteen long whip-like chain mines which wrapped around the Nebula’s leg. Lt. Newbark pulled it as a five chain mines attached to the Nebula's leg and exploded, taking it off. The Kämpfer rotated back onto its stomach and took off back into the woods, "RELEASE THE IT NOW!" commanded Lt. Newbark...suddenly even with all the battle going on, the ground beneath them started to quiver...as the Earth shook in fear of what was coming.

            “No…no…nooooo!” shouted Yugo in a room with a guard standing in front of the door. Yugo laid on the floor and started rocking, placing his hand over his head.

Red lights flashed in Zach’s face. “That bastard blew my leg off!” Zach lost himself again for a second as his dark grey eyes’ physical characteristics changed. His pupil shrunk and a growth of the iris took place. As the Kämpfer headed for the woods, the Nebula grabbed and threw out the whip which wrapped around the Kämpfer; Gundam Nebula caught Lt. Newbark off guard and pulled him right through his beam saber. The Kämpfer’s lower section was completely separated from its top half, and both mobile suits hit the ground.

The Hyaku Shiki Kai grabbed the Nebula before it hit the ground and tossed it to safety. It then came back and with its beam rifle, starting firing back at R9 Gyans, Tai-Sons, and Gaza-D’s like mad.

 Lt. Newbark ejected as a gigantic brand new mobile suit headed toward the base. Even though it was hovering, the mobile suit was sitting a crouching position, with its black wings folded around it, covering its body as if protecting itself.

"Hahuhh...I'll kill you all," said Hylis, sitting in the unique cockpit. Hylis really didn’t have any gears or controls which were replace with a digital looking laptop. Zach hit his boosters and took off toward what was left of the New England Base; he had to get Gundam Nebula back onboard to be repaired before it suffered a fatal blow. Once there he got out, swearing as he saw the damage. “DAMMIT! How could a lowly Kämpfer do this much damage to my Gundam.” Crewmen swarmed around Nebula. “I need this fixed now!” Yes sir came out of their mouths as they went to work.

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