Episode 30: "Dammit! The Raider team...gone,"

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Frame 30: A New Horizon

Captain Athens arrived at the Raven-star,

“I'm here to see Miss Hylis?”  The guards pointed him in the Princess’ main chamber. It took Hylis about a half hour to reach the base and once out of the transporter, she was informed and headed for her the main chamber. Hylis came in and sat in her chair in a throne-like environment with her legs crossed. She looked into Captain Athens' pale tiger-like eyes; the thirst for more revenge…more power was in them.

"Captain Athens, what gift do you bring if I were to accept your proposal?" she asked.

"Lt. Rock Hale...you're still here?" asked Rene, carrying a box of files.

Rock jumped a bit, being startled, but turned to see Rene. "Oh, hello Rene. Yeah, I'm still here. Guess a war dog like me needs to be pushed to move."

"Hahuh," she giggled while fumbling with the box as she tried pushing her glasses back up to her face with her shoulder. "Well in that case maybe its time for that war dog to hang up his collar and run free for a while?" she added.

"Not at a time like this", Rock replied. "There’s too much at stake in this war for me to suddenly take off. You know that, Rene."

“Well in that case, I suggest you get a move on then. Remember, you’re not a Titan anymore so take this time to find yourself before you lose yourself in this war,” said Rene. She said her goodbyes as Andrew came and helped her with the box.

Captain Athens laughed then looked up at Hylis. He turned on a video screen that ha had in his coat pocket and handed it to a guard to give to Hylis.

“You see that Miss. Hylis…that is the Raider, in YOUR hangar! It comes with me, along with my life of service. I am here to prove to you that an Oldtype like myself can stand up to any Newtype any day. Please accept my gift and allow me to join the Elite Forces of Nemesis.”

"That’s Imperial Princess...Hylis to you captain. The Raider—interesting. Your word is now binding...your life of service will forever be mine and no one else’s," said Hylis, standing up out of the chair. She walked down the stairs and approached him, "An Oldtype you say? Hmmm. Then an Oldtype I need, you'll be perfect for my...Newtype army. Now how can an Oldtype be at a Newtype level, if not higher?" asked Hylis pondering. "Hahahuh...follow me to the supply port, I want you to meet your new mobile suit," she said, walking out of the room.

Dukey and Zach made it to Grenada and they spoke with Admiral Setzbar.

"Captain…Dukey Aznable?! You're alive?! We had all thought that Neo-Zeon and the Titans killed you in that explosion back on Earth?"

“No sir, I'm still alive. A little beaten up, but alive. The former Admiral of the Titans released us before Hylis formed the Elite Forces of Nemesis,” explained Dukey.

"Yes…I saw the broadcast. I just didn't believe you had survived."

‘Well, I…we did. Anyways, what are we to do about the Elite Forces of Nemesis?” he asked.

"All I know is that they're located at the old Londo Bell base by the asteroid belt. Our sources claim that about a month ago it was relocated. We haven't had time to come up with a strategy due to our failed attack on Luna II,” explained Admiral Setzbar.

“Ahh I see. Well…Zach and I will just hang tough in the Raider until you figure out what to do next.” Dukey turned to leave but was stopped by Admiral Setzbar.

"Erm…Captain. I thought you were dead so I…gave your ship to Captain Athens, and he has not returned from the attack on Luna II. I believe your ship was destroyed in the attack. Last I heard someone shot directly through the bridge. I am sorry."

Dammit! The Raider team…gone,” he thought. Even though Yugo was gone, his attempt to render Dukey’s mind in a state of pure rage and emotion started to consume his soul. Dukey’s mental stability started to crumble, releasing his team…his family were gone, he lost some of the best pilots, and felt that he was losing his own flesh and blood sister.

"I do however have good news! We have already started working on a new ship. It is based on the Raider's data, but is more advanced and more powerful! Before the Raider set off on its last mission, we decided to copy its data and use it to make mass produced ships with its capabilities. Your new ship however, was to be Captain Athens' and the lead ship of the AEUG. Seeing that Athens has gone MIA and you’re alive, the main ship is belongs to you and your new crew."

“New crew?” thought Zach.

“So what is this new Raider called Admiral?”

"It is called the Ragnarök! Now there is one final thing. We have also begun construction of brand new Gundams for you and Zach. It is the RX-98-v ³ Hi-Nu Pegasüs Gundam and Gundam Frame.”

            “Gundam Frame?” asked Zach curiously.

            “We decided to leave it to you to give it its full official name. So basically you get to name your own machine.

            “Sweet! I get to name it. Maybe, Avenger or Metallic?” thought Zach.

“The v ³ Hi-Nu Pegasüs Gundam is very much similar to the RX-93-n-2 Hi-n Gundam, piloted by Amuro Ray,” explained Admiral Setzbar.

“Amuro…Ray? Why does that name sound so familiar? So close and yet so far?” Zach questioned himself. 

“It is not yet completed and was supposed to be for Captain Athens, but now that you're alive I want you to have it Captain Dukey."

“Thank you sir! Until then, the silver Hyaku Shiki will do just fine!”

“Same goes for my Nova,” added Zach.

“Yes, about that Captain Zach. We took your Nova and combining it with the new technology that was in the Nebula, thus creating the Gundam Frame,” said Admiral Setzbar.

“Ah, I see.”

"You two are dismissed! The Ragnarök is down in hangar bay H." Dukey and Zach set off to go view their new ship.

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