Episode 2: "I can hear you, you fool!"

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Frame 02: Attack & Defend

Zach laughed heartedly, “Done?” He began to lead the way up to his chamber. They stopped nearby to tell his assistant to bring up a couple of pizzas. “Ahh, I haven’t had a pizza in a long time. It should be quite delicious. So tell me Captain, what brings you here?” asked Zach while Dukey grabbed a slice of pizza. Zach had jet black hair, short cut, along with dark grey eyes. He was wearing an all black and white Federation uniform.

“Damn, Earth food is good! Well…it wasn't planned really... My ship was on its way back from a mission on Side 7 when all of a sudden we were attacked by a Neo-Zeon Battleship. It must have been a new model because in all my years of fighting Zekes I've never seen one like that. Anyways, we barely shot the bitch down, and there was no way we were going to make it back to the Grenada base on the moon so we had to enter Earth’s atmosphere and hope to hell we landed in Feddie territory. Luckily we landed here and one of your docking bays was open.” Dukey jumped up and grabbed another piece of pizza and sat back down. “Once my ship is repaired we're heading to Grenada to report our mission. They're gonna be pissed we took so long. How about you? How come you chose to be a Feddie soldier? Neo-Zeon have been wasting you here on Earth.” “Though I shouldn't talk, all we've got left is the moon...”

“Well, it wasn’t a choice really. I don’t remember how or when I joined the Earth Federation but I've been in here for a long time. The Neo-Zeons have been an admirable opponent I very much agree. You should know that as well, they've taken majority of your area from you,” informed Zach, Dukey nodded and said,

“Ya...but it wasn’t really ours to begin with. I believe that the Spacenoids should be independent. I know you're thinking that these are the same beliefs as the Neo-Zeon, but their vision of independence is to be ruled by a dictator. I believe that each colony should be its own and belong to itself and no one else. The Neo-Zeon just believe in conquest now.”

Dukey felt the vibration of his cell phone going off and he reached down into his pocket and answered the call. “What? Yes...I'm with a Feddie captain at the moment discussing eerr...the alliances next move. Wha? Alright, I'll be there in a minute,” he said and placed the cell phone to in his pocket. “My men are having a hard time booking hotel rooms, would you accompany me? A high-ranking Feddie like yourself should be able to convince the receptionist.”

“Definitely. You lead the way,” said Zach, ready for a new adventure with an AEUG captain. 

Dukey and Zach headed for a hotel called Hotel NiNe, west of the Feddie base. Once they got there, they solve the issue and Dukey's men call it a night and went to bed. Dukey thanked Zach for all his help and decided to go to his hotel room. Exhausted from the mission the AEUG team went to sleep.

Sam patrolled the city with his team lead by Lieutenant Faye Goodenberg.

"Any Zeke sightings tonight men?" Sam pressed a button on his helmet allowing transmitter to communicate back and forth.

"None Lieutenant, can we call it a night?" asked Sam, his brown eyes darting back and forth, looking around to make one last check for Neo-Zeon mobile suits.

"No! We will patrol until headquarters gives us the order to come in!" said Faye. Sam laid back in his Alex-NTX and sighed while pushing back his red hair out of his face.

“Damn that woman is harsh...I haven't had a break all day, no thanks to that AEUG Captain...”

"I can hear you, you fool!" Sam quickly shut his transmitter off.

"I'm sick of patrolling every day and night. I want some damn action! How am I supposed to move up in rank if all I do is patrol this base my whole life?" Just then a beam whizzed by his mobile suit's head.

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