Just a Dream

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Embracing each other closely, they peacefully, drift away to sleep.

John wakes up to the beautiful sunlight hitting him, not opening his eyes, his reaches his arm out to touch Bruce, but no matter how far his hand went, he didn't feel Bruce. He opens his eyes only to see that Bruce wasn't in the bed, he sits up confused and looks around the room and realizes that he was fully clothed and was actually in his own room. He becomes puzzled, could everything that had happened last night was just.. a dream?..

A sudden smell of something delicious interrupts his train of thoughts. Feeling his stomach grumbling, he gets up to find where that smell is coming from. He gets out of his room and is about to walk downstairs but he stops, he looks where Bruce's room is at, the door looked the same as it was before, slightly open. Maybe it was just a dream.. he thinks to himself, he begins to feel sad. He wanted to check if Bruce was in his room but decides not to and goes down stairs to finish continuing his journey. Following the smell, it led him to the kitchen and surprisingly Bruce was there, cooking!

John was stupefied and couldn't do anything but just stand there and stare at Bruce, he was unaware that John's presence was there. Not a minute later, Bruce turns around with two plates in his hands and looks up to see a surprised John and smiles, "Oh hey John. You must be here because your hungry right? Heh, Here," Bruce says as he sets the plates on the table, "I made us some breakfast." As John sits down, ready to devour his food, Bruce asks John, "Want a drink?" John looks at Bruce with a slight smile, "I'd just like a glass of water please." Bruce nods and walks back to the kitchen" John quickly eats his food, it was as if he hasn't eaten for years!

Bruce comes back with drinks in his hands, he places the glass of water next to John's plate and finally sits down, "Eating without me?" He chuckles, as he begins to eat. John realizes that he was eating so fast and that his plate was almost empty already, and feeling embarrassed, he slightly blushes. He eats at a normal pace now and clears his throat. "So.. where's Al? Is he doing butler things??" "Alfred?" Bruce ask with food in his mouth, swallowing his food, he continues, "He just wanted to go out, get some fresh air. Told me I had to cook for myself since there was no left overs haha, he'll be back soon." "Oh, ahaha." John nervously laughs, the thoughts about the dream comes back to him and he's noticed how Bruce seemed like nothing ever happened last night.. it makes him feel down again and continues to eat whatever his plate had left.

Not looking at Bruce, but rather down at his food, he scoops up whatever was left on his plate, he hears Bruce clear his throat then says to John, "Hope I didn't hurt you too much last night John.." Hearing this, John almost chokes on his food and drinks water to avoid any more choking. Extremely happy to know that it wasn't a dream after all, John smiles widely and looks at Bruce and says contently to Bruce, "No Brucie! No! You didn't hurt me! But... how did I end up in my room? And fully clothed? I could've sworn I was in your room and just in my underwear and socks-..." "Oh, that haha.." Bruce scratches the back of his head, seeming to be shy and blushing slightly, his faced looked just as happy as John was though.

"Well when I woke up, I thought I'd put your clothes back on so you can be warm and comfy again, but when I uncovered both of us, I saw that we still had some.. white substances.. on us. I had completely forgot that we didn't bother to clean ourselves and we just, knocked out! I got us some wipes, and tried warming it up with my breath so that the feeling of coldness wouldn't wake you up when I cleaned you. I guess you weren't lying when you said you've been up for several hours, because after I was done cleaning you, I managed to put your clothes on you without waking you up, you were in a very, deep sleep. You look beautiful when you sleep.." Bruce says with smile, his angelic eyes meeting John's, and hearing this, John blushes more.

"And I thought I'd put you back to your room since I was going to stay up and wasn't going to be in my room. So I carried you and gently placed you on the bed, and covered you with your blanket." Lastly, Bruce says under his breath, but just enough that John still heard it, "And kissed your forehead.." John was in awe hearing this, he felt the love and sweetness, it felt beautiful. Still looking into each other's eyes, they lovingly smile at each other. John was feeling more happy than before and couldn't help but jump out of his chair to hug Bruce. Bruce stands up, and holds John tightly in his arms. They didn't know what else to say to each other but their embrace said it all, so they stay quiet, enjoying the beautiful loving moment.

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