Together Again

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John says, as he's extremely happy to see Bruce again. After the fight between Joker and Batman, Bruce gave up batman and John was sent to Arkham to get the help he needed again. But since then they haven't seen each other, until now.

The employee unlocks the door then opens it to allow Bruce in the room John is in.

As Bruce was walking in, John was so excited that he wanted to hug Bruce, but before he could he was able to stop himself from actually doing it. He remembers when he first hugged Bruce before, Bruce seemed a bit too uncomfortable with it. He didn't want to make Bruce uncomfortable again, especially when Bruce actually came to Arkham to visit him, well Bruce did say he wouldn't abandon John so he really did keep his word. With that thought out of the way, he quietly sighed and with a slight smile, he instead offers a handshake to Bruce.

What he didn't know was that Bruce noticed that John wanted to hug him. Bruce smiles and comes closer to John, moving his hand away while doing so, and gives a hug to John.

Not letting go, Bruce hugs tightly and says "It's good to see you again John. How are you feeling? Oh wait! How's your hand? I'm sorry I stabbed your hand, I shouldn't have done that, you were weak as it is.."

John, dumbstruck as to what just happened, keeps his composure and wraps his arms around Bruce, hugging him back and with a smile replies, "it's okay buddy! I feel great because you're here! And don't feel too bad about it, my hand is A Okay! You did what you had to since I lost my mind.. I couldn't think about anything at all, all I thought about was anger.. I could've kill- um, hurt you."

Bruce, finally pulling away from the hug, but still has his hands on John's shoulders, gives him a skeptical look and replies, "but you gave me a good stabbing a few times-" "So how's fighting crime and bringing justice to Gotham been?" John interrupts.

Bruce chuckles and rolls his eyes. He lets go of John and sits down on the side of the bed. He grabs John's hand, pulling him down so he can sit as well. Letting go of John's hand, he places his left hand on John's right shoulder and replies John's question in a serious tone, "I gave up Batman."

John, quite surprised at what he just heard asks, "Why? Is it because of me?.." he asks feeling ashamed.

"What? No, it's not your fault John, it's no one's fault. I just.." Bruce sighs and looks down "I gave up Batman for Alfred. He's like a father to me, he's my family. The only family I have. Although I wanted to still be Batman to help people, I know there are other ways I can do that without me being batman." He looks back up to John and smiles, "I wouldn't dare let the ones I care for go."

John was astonished, he didn't think Bruce would let go batman over someone he cares for, he's studied him before, he seems like the type of guy who wouldn't really do something for someone. The last person he'd except Bruce would change for was none other than Catwoman, but no, he didn't quite seem to have the strong feeling he has with Alfred. Could it be because he's family? Is family really that tremendous?

Bruce, clearly seeing that John is lost in his thoughts, decided it was a good time to call it a night. He let's go of John's shoulder, and stands up to walk out the door. John, coming back to reality when he feels Bruce's hand gone and sees him walking out the door, he jerks up from the bed and ask, "You're leaving already? You just got here not too long ago.." John was obviously unhappy, he didn't want Bruce to leave so soon, he still wanted more time with him. Especially since he just got here less than 10 minutes!

Bruce turns around to look at John, "Yeah, I need to go do something John, it's getting pretty late as it is."

Sad from what John just heard, he tries to act like he's not in sorrow and replies, "O-Okay Buddy! I'll see yo-" but before he could finish his sentence Bruce was already gone. John sits back down on the bed, Bruce didn't even say goodbye..

After 15 minutes or so pass, the forlorn man is laying down on bed, when he hears the sound of the door knob jiggle, he suddenly sits up, an employee has opened the door, Bruce standing right next to him. Seeing Bruce again confused him, why is he back? Especially on such short notice and time? It hasn't even been an hour! Bruce walks towards him and places a hand on John's shoulder again, he looks at him right in the eyes and says, "I didn't say goodbye because I wasn't going anywhere, what I had to do was get some paper work done, have some talks and convincing, so I can take you home. Besides, I've only been here for about 5 minutes, I wasn't going to leave my friend without spending a huge amount of time with him after not seeing him for a while!"

Hearing those words, John was back to being happy and even cheerful, not only did Bruce come back, and came back pretty quickly mind you, but he came back to take John home!!

Bruce wraps his arm around John so they can both walk out together, "Let's go home, I want to spend more time with my buddy John." Bruce says with a smile as they walk out the room. 

As they're right in front of the exit they could see and hear how heavy it was raining. "Crap" Bruce says, "I forgot to get the umbrella from the car, stay here, don't go out till I'm back." Bruce covers his head with his hands and speed walks to his car. John smiles, Bruce is so adorable when he cares, wait, does he really care for John? And why did he think Bruce was adorable?! He sees a red car park in front of the entrance, where John was waiting, Bruce comes out, with an actual umbrella covering him this time, he opens the door and says "Alright, I have the umbrella now, let's get going, it's getting more late." "Right, right." John says walking towards Bruce, as they walk out with Bruce holding the umbrella to cover both of them from the rain he opens the passenger door for John. Once John was in the car, Bruce finally gets in and he drives home. As they were heading home, they were having a pretty fun time, having a conversation and catching up on things, finally they were together again.

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