Devlin Summers' Bloodbath

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Elizabeth lets go of me and hold my hands, I look into her eyes, she's on the verge of tears but still smiling. It's a weird expression one that I'm not too familiar with.

"Here since you never asked for it." she says dropping a rolled piece of paper in my hand. I unroll it, inside is a phone number and Elizabeth's name written on it neatly.

"Keep it in the arena, remember me Devlin, know that I'm I'll always be watching. Know that no matter what happens on the screen, your always in my mind."

I nod " I'll come out... for you." I kiss her deeply and passionately before stepping back into the tube. The doors close as I go through them and Elizabeth walks up to it, she's crying now and it hurts to see her like this. But before I can see her anymore, I'm lifted upwards...

At first I only see the clouds drifting peacefully across the blue sky, but as I get closer to the surface I finally catch the first glimpse of the arena. I'm standing on a small island only just large enough to fit my pedestal, I look around at all the other tributes they are on identical islands. Looking forward I see a thin rope bridge which leads to a larger island in the middle, it has the Cornucopia on it and it looks like we don't have any option as to where we go right at the beginning, we have to run to the Cornucopia. Looking further I see more islands, of different shapes and sizes. I looked around the tribute closest to me was Bryan Warside, from District 2. I recalled overhearing someone say he would torture anyone he captured, I shuddered at the thought, I'd seen some pretty terrible stuff when I lived on the streets but torture was something I had very little experience in.

The timer was counting down, closer and closer to what they'd all been preparing for. Every tribute seemed at least slightly afraid, but when he looked at Bryan he saw nothing, it was as if Bryan was born only to be in the games.






The countdown hit one and a loud gong like noise spread throughout the arena, I dashed forward onto the bridge, I was careful not to step too hard, afraid that I might fall through. I reach the centre island and run to the Cornucopia. Other tributes are already inside, I sneak in to the Cornucopia trying to not get noticed, I manage to grab a backpack, I stuff it with empty water bottles, dried fruits and beef and some bread. I find some daggers, I take one and put it in my bag and take another unsheathe it and carry it in my hand, I turn around and run out of the Cornucopia, before I can make it to the exit I feel a blunt force against my back, Red kicked me. I sprawl to the floor, as Red stand over me ready to finish me off I look her right in the eyes. She doesn't seem like the type of tribute to torture anyone, I'm glad, at least if I die, I'll die with some decency. Before Red can finish him off he sees a blade swing at her legs. She falls down from the pain, Bryant from District Two stands behind her.

"Finish her off, then come find me." he says seriously, with no emotion on his face. He walks away to join the fighting.

I look over at Red, she's on the ground trying to drag herself away. The cut in her leg is too deep for her to get up. I walk over to her and hold my dagger to her throat.

"I'm sorry." I say, then run my dagger across her throat.

I pick up my stuff and look for Bryan, I see him with Cotton. Cotton throws a ninja star at Willow as she runs away, it hits her in the back of the neck and she falls down, twitching as life leaves her body. I run over to them as I approach I see Cotton get ready to throw a ninja star at me, Bryan raises his hand motioning him to stop.

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