Chapter 21: Mission

Start from the beginning

Our government here is so bad and there's no need for all this. Whoever the godfather wants eventually makes it. The campaign and election are just to fulfil all rightouesness.
Like this stupid dinner in the midst of community chaos, do our leaders have a heart?.

"Excuse me. Can I have a word with you?"

I turn to see Mr handsome by my side sipping a glass of wine.

"Uhm... Me?" I gawk wondering what a rich kid would want from a lowlife like me, especially when queen Faye flirted with him minutes ago.

"Yap." he nods, taking another sip of his drink. "Saw you all by yourself, decided to check up on you. Want a drink?"

So you'll drug me right.

I look up to him and smile. "Thanks but no thanks. I'm fine."

"Oh please,let's get a close look at him... Ouch." I laugh as I imagine Esther slapping her to keep shut.

Nancy is so crazy.

"So what say you?" he uses Shakespeare english to crack me up and he really gets me.

"Alright Mr." I laugh as he cocks his brow.

We step out to the balcony and the gush of wind calms the uneasiness I never knew I felt.


"Ya, never been to an official occasion except when my dad was named worker of the year." I rub my temples careful not to reveal the earphone.

"Hmm, I see. You're friends with Faye?" he points to her through the transparent sliding doors.

"Yeah, well I think so." I nod as I watch Faye converse with the elites of the country.

Being the presidential candidate's daughter surely has its specs. Faye was covered for as long as her family's name remains on the news. Only if she were kindhearted, the package would have been complete.

"Hello dear." I sense something wave in from of me.

Regaining consciousness I smile stupidly at him.

"I'm Smith, son of Adejoke Biobaku." he stretches his hand.

The minister's son. Wow.

Mrs. Biobaku Adejoke, the minister of finance was a real high-flying personality. Her strict but humanitarian lifestyle won her the Ovation's woman of the year award and that was just the tip of the iceberg. The Biobaku's were worth billions and any associate was really privileged, and, here was the heir standing with me on the balcony at past seven in the evening. If I were not on a spy mission I'd consider this a consolation from God for my arrest.

"I'm Tamuno, Tamuno Grace Egoh. Nice meeting you." I accept his handshake and oh boy, he's got a firm grip.

"Same here. Why don't I get you a drink. You look flushed."

"Uhm... all right." I stammer. Gosh what is wrong with me, this isn't the first time I'm meeting a 'rich kid', why the stuttering?

"Okay. I'll be right back." I watch him leave and sight someone tailing him to the bar.

That's odd. On a second thought it could be his body guard.

Keeping my eyes on him I rest on the balcony and barely notice when someone slides a piece of note under my palm.

"What's that?" I'm about to ask before seeing a hooded figure retreating among the tons of people.

That's creepy.

I quickly open the note and squeak as I read the bloody note.

The dent signifies the earth, the earth accepts the dirt...

People within rush to the balcony but I run from their questions trying to track the messenger of doom. No way was I letting another person fall a victim.

"What happened?" a hand grabs me, raising mine to hit the person I stop midway realizing it's Smith.

"Let me go. Please." I scream as his grip becomes tighter.

"What's wrong with you?"

I ignore his question as I see the hooded guy round a corner tilting his head to give me a sly smile.

"We saw that too." Esther whispers with fear in her voice.

Releasing myself from his grip I run outside, taking the stairs in favour of the elevator. Unwanted attention has been added to my blacklist of recent so I don't bother as I rush down the stairs hitting people in the process.

"Hey stop." I scream on seeing him. He pause to drop a note before running off.

Panting I get to the note and pick it up.

The dirt is Gozie.

I didn't see that. Don't kill me yet. See you next Friday. 😘😘

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