"Do you just want me to kiss you again? You like being a bitch like your faggot brother?" I taunt. "Back off." Mitchell sits back down as soon as I say that. Now, I've found Mitchell's weak spot. Our class meeting ends and I shove past Mitchell to get out the door. Not the best way to get into Mitchell's head, but hey, whatever works.

* * * * *

"Hey," Chris smiles right before lunch.

"Hello, there," I smile. "I wasn't trying to ignore you. I just... had a bad night."

"I get it. It was a little stupid to ask for lunch with you. I mean--"

"Taco Bell?" I interrupt. She nods. "Or is that too fattening..." I joke. Chris eats like a sumo wrestler. "You go ahead to my car. I'll be there in a sec." I quickly whip out my phone and shoot a quick text.

Brandon: Please don't be at Starbucks already! Ugh ugh ugh Chris and I are going to taco bell to talk. I owe you big time. *kisses you* I'm so sorry

I rush out to my car to meet Chris.

"Before we go anywhere," she begins. "I wanted to say that I didn't want to stop talking to you when I said I was talking to Mitch and I never meant to hurt your feelings, really. I just wanted to tell you what was holding me back because Mitchell seemed great but he's actually just a gigantic jerk and I realize that now and I'm so sorry and I don't want things to change between us at all. There." She sniffs once.

"Chris," I start. Then I stop. What in the heck am I going to say about this? I've moved on, technically after a day. "Let's just have lunch."

Taco Bell is moderately busy. Chris and I decide to wait until the line dies down before ordering our food. "I don't want to talk about yesterday. Yesterday with us and me... just a huge mess," I propose. Honestly, I just have no idea how to explain the fact that I was pissed for relatively no reason yesterday, because now Logan is pretty much here to stay.

"Sounds good. Hey, I bet they have vegetarian options here." Chris peers at the menu through squinted eyes.

"What, are you eating healthy now?" I joke. Chris stares at me, giving me a 'really?' look with her big chesnut brown eyes. "Okay... not eating healthy?"

"Brandon, I've been a vegetarian for two years. I told you that. When I ate at your house, I only had salad," she explains in monotone."How do you not know this?"

"I... did? I was kidding with you..." I lie. Chris and I glance at each other and laugh. "I guess I don't pay attention to what my partner eats. It's none of my concern." Chris looks at me with sad eyes, although a smile shapes her lips. "Are you okay?" It's a stupid question, since we practically separated yesterday.

"Yea, it's just..." Chris shakes her head. "You said 'partner' instead of-- well, and-- you know people are really dumb. They say some ridiculous crap about you." Chris stands up to get in line, with me close behind.

"So, you believe that shit."

"No... I'm just asking. Why do people say that you're gay, all the time? It's not something that just comes out of nowhere," she explains, her voice mild to avoid eavesdroppers.

"I'm not gay," I say plainly.

"I believe you," she nods.

"Why?" Mitchell says from behind us. Mitch has the kind of voice you'd expect from any douche-y kid in any movie, ever. "He has no proof that he's not."

Brandon. Yes, THAT Brandon.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin