Chapter Ten

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Just as the brunette assumed, Eris was perched on her throne, chin in hand and invested in deep thought. A somber frown adorned pale lips, but even then, Ana couldn't help but become rapt with the woman's beauty.

It was not because of the extravagant dresses or braided hair. Nor was it due to rich, golden eyes that glittered like the sun and purple skin that looked like spring lilacs. It also wasn't because of her intoxicating voice or extraordinary existence. No, Ana was certain Eris' beauty was not based on those things. The queen's mannerisms and personality was what attracted the human. Yes, her physical attributes were lovely, but the monarch was far more than those. With a kind nature, gentle soul, and abundant love, Eris was a goddess incarnate, Persephone and Aphrodite be damned. She had no ulterior motive—no secret agenda. She loved her people, and worked tirelessly. Despite the difficulties she faced with running the kingdom, alongside a select few, she was respected and trusted.

It was easy to understand how Eris had managed to bury a piece of herself into the commander's heart.

"Are you thinking of me?" Ana asked, grinning at her queen and absolutely full of herself. "Perhaps about how lovely I look this evening?"

Gold met blue, and Eris had to fight back a smile. "Ïngu."

Anastasia approached the woman, her steps echoing, and feigned offense. "You wound me—My middle name is humility."

She sat on the floor besides the lavender woman, legs crossed and looking up. The woman rolled her eyes, resulting in Ana's laughter to fill the room before both were soundless—tension rolling between them.

"You come to say goodbye."

"Not yet," the brunette assured, melting at the queen's displeasure and saddened eyes.

"When? You do not stay forever."

If she didn't have the station and her crew, Ana certainly would. She would easily give everything up—stay with Eris for as long as the monarch desired. It would be Eris' world, and she would be fine simply existing in it.

This was one of the only times Anastasia regretted her dedication to her career.

Absentmindedly fiddling with the hem of Eris' dress, Ana avoided eye contact, unsure of how strong her emotional control would be. "Tomorrow—I have to get them back home."

Satin fabric was snatched out of pale hands, moving to graze the floors and the queen rose from her perch. "Then celebration continues." The queen began to walk away, arms swinging loosely at her sides. Something twisted in Ana's gut, screaming at her that this wasn't right--Eris didn't want to celebrate.

The human shot up, grabbing the latter's wrist as gently as possible. "We don't have to."

Golden eyes were wild, frantically moving between blue and the room. Worry seeped into lavender features, drawing lines from plump lips.

"It is tradition," was the only response offered.

Ana's grip became more persuasive and her voice cracked. "Please," she begged, "Fuck tradition--after everyone leaves, can we please just relax?"

With an incredulous raise of her brows, Eris held eye contact with the girl, unsure of her boldness and language.

"Fuck," she repeated, trying to explain it the best she could, "it's a word that we use that has a lot of meanings. Right now, it means forget tradition, ignore it, just this once. Please?"

Arched brows lowered, "Okay," the queen resigned, and Ana was shocked. She expected more of a fight considering Eris was a stickler for tradition.

Eris freed her wrist and grabbed soft hands, slender fingers caressing uneven knuckles. Anastasia's heart swelled, grateful and more infatuated with the queen than before, as if it were truly possible. A smile grew on Ana's face, beaming at the woman and receiving a smirk in return.

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