Chapter 10

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I woke up later, laying on Taylor and him watching tv. I looked at the clock on the nightstand, I had only slept for about an hour. I sat up, then I left to use the bathroom.

When I came back, Taylor was leaned up against the headboard of the bed. He had his knees pulled up to his chest. I crawled back onto the bed and leaned against his knees.

Then, he pulled my hair back, "How do I do that thing?" He asked

"What thing?" I laughed

"I don't remember, it's called a braid right?" He asked

"Yeah, you just intertwine three pieces of hair," I instructed

He continued to play with my hair as I flipped through the channels.

At one point he took all my hair started hitting me with it, I swatted him with my hand and I hit his eye. It started to water, "Awe, are you crying?" I asked

I grabbed a pillow and threw at him, he glared at me.

"Oh, it's on!" He yelled

He chased me around the room, I realized I had not where to go, so I ran into the bathroom. But the door didn't lock so I leaned against it.

"I'm stronger than you," He said as he pulled the door out from beneath me.

I immediately fell onto the floor,

"Ouch! Taylor! That hurt," I said after hitting the hard tile floor.

"I'm sorry babe, but revenge doesn't come cheap," He said

"So much for an apology," I said

"I said, sorry. And besides I've told you before I'm not a gentleman," He said

"Well you can say that again," I said

I started to push past him, but he spun around pulled me into him. He kissed my neck, and my ear.

Then I turned around and kissed him on the lips. God, it felt good to kiss him.

Then he picked me up, continuing to kiss me and he jumped onto the bed with me in his arms.

He smirked and cuddled up next to me.

"My hair looks...interesting," I said looking at his failed attempt of a braid

"I tried," He laughed

Back of the Bus (Part 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя