Chapter 3

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Kate's POV

I sat down next to her hospital bed, I pulled put my phone and started busying myself, from the fact that my bestfriend was in a coma.

Finally I became tired and I tried to get comfortable in the visitor chair.


The next thing I heard was movement, my eyes shot open! I was hoping to see Marely moving around in her bed, then for her to look at me and say 'don't look suprised, did you really think I was gonna die?' Then she would laugh.

But that's not what happened, Taylor was standing there, he was looking at the flowers next to her bed, "Hi," he said quietly to me.

"Um, hi" I said, feeling a bit disoriented. "What time is it?"

"3 am, sorry if I woke you up," He said

"Nah, it's fine but can I ask why you came at 3 in the morning?" I asked

"I couldn't sleep thinking she was here, if she were to-" He paused, "If something were to, you know happen, I would wanna be here." He answered

"Ah, okay." I got up and walked over to where he was. A small night stand was filled with flowers, balloons and cards. "Who are these from?" I asked

"I brought those," He said pointing to some pink and white roses, "But the rest are from fans that heard about what happened on the news," He answered, "Her fans created this hashtag for her, #staystrongMarley," He said

I nodded, "I guess you miss a lot when you sleep,"

"I'm gonna get some food, do you want something?" I asked

"No," He said

I tried to smile, then I left the room to find the cafeteria.


When I came back, Taylor had pulled the chair up next to her bed and was loosely holding her hand. But he was alseep.

I sat down in the other chair, and tried to sleep on a nice full stomach.

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