He sat opposite her, leaning forward a little to encourage her to say something.

"Come, Miss Nalini, please share your thoughts. Your shaken state has worried me to a large extent."

Nalini confirmed by his distressed tone that he was in misery.

It comforted her pained heart a little, but it wasn't enough to soothe it.

She remained silent.

What she couldn't stand more wasn't just that she didn't exist, but also the fact that her parents weren't even together. She was glad they were alive, but they weren't together.

Alive together.

Being happy together as she knew and remembered them to be in her memories when she was younger. It killed her.

"Miss Nalini, whatever has happened has clearly upset you. We must get you to the Duke as he must be very concerned."

Edward got up to retrieve his coat but she got up, suddenly stopping him. She shook her head, tightly kept tears slowly trailing down causing Edward's frown to deepen. He trailed her features carefully, his lips tightening.

"Please, don't do that. I don't want to go back to him. I can't go back, he'll fire me," she whispered painfully.

Edward furrowed his eyebrows as if he didn't understand the way she was speaking.

"He will not."

"No, he will, Edward. He'll find someone else to take my position because I've disobeyed him so many times."

He smiled gently, easing her worries without so much as lifting a finger.

"The Duke will do no such thing, I assure you. I shall have a talk with him so he understands that you were in no good state of mind when doing what you did."

He placed a gentle hand over hers and peered into her eyes, his face softening at the pained expression on Nalini's face.

"It'll be all right, Miss Nalini, do not worry."

Without another word, he went to guide her out the front door when Landon came through the front door.

He took off his hat and placed it on a small table beside the door.

Upon laying eyes on Nalini, his eyes glinted mischievously and almost dangerously. His lips curved up into an amused grin.

"My, oh my, if it isn't the infamous Miss Chandhy?"

He then looked at Edward who had stiffened beside her, his hold on her back tightening slightly.

"And where is it you think of taking her, dear brother? Might you need some accompaniment? Or perhaps I could be of use and take her myself?"

Edward's face took on a more serious expression, as did the tone of his voice as he said, "I am perfectly capable of escorting Miss Nalini myself but I appreciate your offer nevertheless."

"What's with the formal manner of speaking, brother?" he mocked.

As Landon stalked closer towards Nalini, she stiffened and unintentionally stepped closer towards Edward.

He leaned forward, his lips near her ear. Edward tried to intervene but he held up his hand and shot a venomous, threatening look towards him.

He then looked at Nalini again.

"If you ever feel as if that employer of yours is not treating you right, then you should come straight to me. I reside not too far from here, you see, and I even visit my dear brother on weekends. I shall make sure you are treated as a lady should be treated," he said, with a smirk.

The Duke's Forbidden Lover (Forbidden #1)Where stories live. Discover now