Dance Your Hearts Out (A Nathan Sykes FanFiction) 22

Start from the beginning

“Yeah,” I chuckled. “But, that's not the point...I need your advice,” I said.

“Okay, go ahead,” she responded.

“Well, you know how I'm living with Tom and Nath,” I started.

“Who is your boyfriend,” she added.

“Right, well...we've been dating about seven months and...he wants to get his own place,” I continued.

“Okay,” she said, wanting me to continue.

“He asked me to move in with him,” I stated.

There was a long pause and I began to think that we had gotten disconnected or something.

“That's a big change, Tori,” she finally said.

“I I do it?” I asked.

“Well, are you ready to move in with him?” she asked.

“I don't know...I mean, would it really make that much of a difference? I've been living with Tom and sleeping in the same bed as Nathan, so there wouldn't be that much change, right?” I asked, spilling my thoughts to her.

“I can't really tell you yes or no, it's your decision, Tor,” she told me.

“Alright,” I sighed, looking up to see the boys practically drowning in girls.

“Hey, well I've got to go, say hi to Tom for me,” she said before the line went dead.

“Hey, babe!” Nathan called, “come here."

I put my phone away and walked over to him. He had a wide smile on his face as he pulled me to him, tightly locking his arm around my neck. The girls instantly cooed at us as they began snapping pictures on their phones.

“Victoria, I voted for you and Niall on Strictly Come Dancing,” one of the girls told me.

“Oh, thanks, that means a lot” I said, smiling at her.

“Victoria, can you please sign my shirt,” another requested, holding a sharpie.

“Sure,” I nodded, taking the sharpie and putting my signature on her sleeve.

She squealed happily.

It was really surprising how some of the girls actually wanted pictures or autographs from me. I talked to a few of them and they were so nice. I promised to follow some of them on Twitter when I got a chance. They were asking questions about Nathan and Niall and I couldn't help but enjoy some of the rumors they've heard and happily corrected them on some of those ridiculous fake stories.

“Well, it's been lovely ladies,” Nathan started, returning to my side, “but we must get going,” he said, waving goodbye.

“Did you enjoy that?” he asked as we walked into the building.

“Yeah, I did... it was actually really fun,” I admitted, lacing our fingers together.

“I'm glad,” he said, pulling me into the elevator with the rest of the boys.

I can see why they spent so much time in the studio. They did warm-ups and then hopped into the booth separately until they needed to harmonize. They must have had twenty takes each on just two songs. Nathan and Jay were on a writing spree and had sheet music sprawled all across a table. I sat on the sofa and played on my phone or looked over some of the lyrics Nathan was creating.



About two in the afternoon, I noticed Tori wasn't with us. Tom said she stepped out for something. I was needed in the booth and was probably in there for a good twenty minutes, trying to hit this one high note. By the time I got out, Tori was back and holding a mug with steam rising from it. The boys all had drinks in their hand.

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