Never Again

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TW: Jisung is underage (but you knew that), mentions of past rape, bit a ptsd

A bit of NCT in this chapter

The door bell rings half way through the movie. Jimin is half asleep on Taehyung's arm and hardly moves even when Namjoon gets up to answer the door. The alpha is conflicted when opens the door and is met with the face of a familiar omega.

Namjoon doesn't have anything against Jisung, but seeing him at his door leaves him unsure of how to feel. Jisung looks like he's been through hell. The omega needs help, that he can't deny, but he has pups to protect now.

"I'm sorry," Jisung begins. He keeps his head bowed in the alpha's presence. "Jimin-ssi gave me this address and I... I don't have anywhere else to go."

"What about the beta?" Namjoon asks.

"Kiwoo went back to the pack," Jisung explains. "I was alone at the hospital for most of the day but they asked me to leave and I just- I didn't want to sleep on the street."

Namjoon sighs. Curse his good heart. "Come in."

Jisung keeps himself small as he walks past Namjoon. "Thank you."

The pack perks up when they see Jisung. He still shows signs of trauma and timidness in front of the pack. It reminds Jimin when he was tossed away and had nothing left. He was ready to lay down and die. He sits up and opens his arms to Jisung.

Jisung settles himself in Jimin's arms and he buries his head in his chest. He's too numb to cry, but he's in too much pain to even process it all.

Jin brings the omega tea to warm him up. The pack gives the omega some space, imagining he doesn't want to be overwhelmed. Jisung stays clung to Jimin, and Yoongi sits on his other side with a few inches between them. No one says anything at first, letting Jisung settle.

"You can stay here as long as you need to," Jimin says. He knows what it's like to be alone and he doesn't wish it on anyone. Jisung is the last person who deserves this.

Jisung shakes his head. "You have other things to worry about than me. I'll figure something out."

"Stay," Jimin repeats. It's an offer, not an order, but Jisung doesn't really recognize the difference yet. He nods to Jimin.

"What do I need to do to thank you?" Jisung asks softly.

"Absolutely nothing," Jimin assures. "You're just a kid that needs a place to stay. How old are you?"

Jisung bows his head at that. "Sixteen."

Jimin had noticed immediately that Jisung was young, but he never imagined... Jisung is too young to be in an abusive pack with no one to fight for him. Too young to have lost a child.

The sound of crying breaks the silence. Yoongi is on his way to the nursery without a second thought. Jimin glances at Jisung and the way he looks towards the sound. The young omega has the urge to take care of a pup, his or not.

"Do you want to see them?" Jimin asks.

"Could I?" Jisung asks. His gaze goes from Jimin to the alphas, stopping in Namjoon. They aren't sure if it's because Jisung is used to having an alpha in charge or because he knows how protective they might be.

"As long as Jimin or Yoongi is with you, I don't see why not," Namjoon answers. As much as he wants to help Jisung, he is still a stranger to the pack. His pups come first. He can't really be blamed for that.

"Thank you," Jisung says with a bow of his head. Jimin leads Jisung gently to the nursery.

Yoongi is bouncing Seungmin lightly when the two omegas enter. He glances up at them. It had occurred to him that Jisung would want to help care for the pups, but that didn't mean he had to like it. His instincts are still wired to protect the pups, especially after Minho's health issues.

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