No Alphas

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Hi, so, I'm finally editing this. Enjoy.

To say Jimin was in pain would be an understatement. He managed to fight off some of the harsh cold by pulling his jacket over his naked body, but he didn't have the strength to dress himself or move. It's easier to lay still when his thighs are bloody and bruised and his neck stings from fresh bite marks. Pain becomes so widespread that is numbs every fiber in him as he lays on the rough concrete shivering and crying silently.

The strangers had hurt him. Used him. No one could have fought off so many alphas, but Jimin still feels weak. Alone. He knew he had no one that would come looking for him. He knew he was going to freeze to death in the street. He just hoped that the pain would be over soon.

The pain is familiar. The abandonment, however, is a new torture.

Usually, Jimin knew the people who hurt him. It was easier that way, somehow. It was easier when it wasn't strangers. When he knew what they would do to him. This time it was different. He didn't know if they would kill him or leave him to die or keep him for later. The fear was paralyzing and real. Luckily, they left him after they were done. He could die alone in some semblance of peace.

Jimin's entire body ached from abuse, but at least he couldn't feel his legs anymore. His right eye was swollen shut and his lip was split open, but most noticeable were the bruises on his cheek bone. His neck was stiff and his rib cage stung with every inhale. He could only close his eyes and wait for darkness to overtake him.

The sound of footsteps and muffled voices barely reach his ears. He curled into himself as if to protect himself from anyone else trying to hurt him. He deserves to be alone. They'd all told him that. It seems fair that it stay that way.

"Hey, do you see that?" a voice says. Jimin's body continues to shiver despite his instinct to freeze.

"I think that's a person, hyung," another says with concern.

"Oh my god." The footsteps were getting closer now. Jimin's tears came faster. No, no, no. He can't survive this again. He can't take the pain and the abandonment.

The scent of alpha grows stronger and Jimin tries to squirm back. He attempts to tighten the jacket around him but he's too weak to manage that or an escape. It's always alphas. Betas don't pay him much mind and omegas give him sympathy at least. But alphas... the alphas always want something Jimin doesn't want to give. Jimin isn't a good enough omega for anyone. Never has been. He always makes them angry.

He starts to hyperventilate when someone kneels in front of him. They were going to hurt him again. Jimin tries to curl in on himself but it sends a wave of pain through him. He can only pray that he's left alone.

"Hey, can you hear me?" a soft voice says. The alpha's scent is strong in his nose, and it makes him duck his head deeper into his chest. He can protect his softer parts that way and be a smaller target. Jimin doesn't even realize he whimpers in response. "Are you okay?"

"Joon," a voice says. "I think you're scaring him."

"Yoongi-hyung, will you try?" Joon asks. Jimin can't look up to see how many people are in the street or who's being addressed. He doesn't really want to know. It's easier if he doesn't know, so he keeps his eyes closed and tries to focus on the pain instead of the fear. Always the pain.

"Me? I'm not-"

"You're an omega," someone cuts him off. "That's more than us."

Jimin registers the alpha moving back from him so that someone else can take his place. The scent of an omega reaches Jimin and encourages him to crack open his non-swollen eye. Another boy looks down on him with soft, worried eyes. It's the first time Jimin has seen softness in a long time. He's surprised the alpha moved away already and that this omega is here at all. Perhaps they won't him yet? He's never been hurt by an omega after all.

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