Chapter 1: Reborn

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I feel nothing but calming light. I was freaking out at first but there is no sense of time so eventually I calmed down. There are few things that I'm beginning to accept. I'm dead, this is the afterlife. Beyond that I have no clue what is going on. Then my consciousness begins to spread and regroup, imagine someone kneading dough but that dough is your mind and you'll sort of understand what I'm feeling. Although it isn't painful. No painful doesn't begin to describe the feeling. I feel the light pull together around me and form a skeleton, then a system of organs and veins with muscle and nerves to surround it. I'm empty so blood pours into my body. Along with it is something glowing. It looks black and all consuming but fades to a light blue colour when inside my body. I'm burning, all my organs and muscles and other parts all fusing together with the fire of my life force as a catalyst. I'm fading now. My body has been built or rather rebuilt. I'm alive again. But I don't feel a heart beat. Shit. I'm about to die just when I'm being brought back to life.

"Rokai..." a sweet voice calls out in this blissful void. I feel a pair of hands slide up my bare chest. Tingles run through my fresh nervous system. A woman, her hair is a light brown and curls in the soft embraces of this void as though she were underwater. I'm aware of her closeness and even more so of the two orbs pressing themselves on my chest. Crap. She's so beautiful. She dips her head forward and stops with her lips hovering over mine. "Breathe Rokai."

I gasp and sit up. There's coldness around me and the lady is gone. I'm starting to fall, the light in this world is replaced by darkness. I burst out of a bank of clouds when I realise what's going on. That bitch! She couldn't have at least dropped me out on the ground. I'm flailing. Trying to grab something but noting exists in the sky besides the winds and birds.

But then just as my body is about to give out I fall into the claws of an enormous falcon like beast. I scream in pain as claws cut deep into my exposed flesh. Wind buffets me as the creature lets out some excited sounds.

*Human in sky is rare. Master would like.* It says.

*Who's your master?* I shout out over the wind. The enormous bird stops and tilts it's claws to look at me.

*Human understand me?* it asks, I nod and the creature suddenly lets out an excited caw. *How, human know not beast language. Some but not all.* he says. I look up into the pair of honey coloured eyes. They reflect back a faint glow. Suddenly the entire world shifts. Everything turning pitch black in my eyes. I look around, there's now glowing everywhere. In the air glowing light travels and bends and flows about. My hand is glowing, or rather inside my hand's outline there is a glow, pale blue glow that circulates through out my body's outline. The falcon is also glowing, inside his body outline is a brown like glow that looks like a dusty orange.

*Ooh, what pretty eyes. Master will like eye changing human.* it caws excitedly and begins flying off again. Whatever is affecting my eyes tappers out. Returning my regular vision to me. I'm confused, my eyes changed just now. What did they look like?

Before I get sidetracked I prioritise matters. High on my list is information. This bird seems very chatty maybe I could ask it some things before meeting it's master.


That was the worst mistake I could have made. The bird rambles on about how his master is one of the strongest Beast Lords of the Winds. I asked what that was and got this whole explanation about the different monster beasts of this land. I'll sum it up.

So there are many monster types with many magical elementals mixing in. The falcon type I'm being carried by is called a Terror. Typically they are Earth in elemental nature and grow the size of a house. Every so often though one is born of the Storm family ( a combination of water wind and lightning elemental affinities) and grows larger than any regular Terror. That's who his master was. This Terror specifically had the name Roc. He was one of the grunt workers meant to gather food for his master. He was given low class for being the runt of the litter, despite being from the same litter the Storm Terror was born from.

*Human, I sorry if Master eat you.* Roc suddenly says, completely killing the mood of our semi light conversation. *He love human, it crunches and pops.*

I shiver as his description.

*But I think he make exception cause you special.* he continues.

*I'm special how?* I ask. He turns his head down at me as we approach the range of mountains where Roc had told me their clan lives.

*You speak like a monster. Meaning you not human, smart monster. Smart monster is useful to all. Especially one who look like human.* he answers and does a swooping dive. G- force pulls at my body, I see hundreds of other birds that look like Roc swooping down as well with various spoils as offerings to their master.

I'm one of them. The thought comes in as I pass out.


The next thing I feel is a bunch of hands on my back and legs, they lower me down as wings flap above us.

I look around and see people of various ages. A lot of them are wearing ripped shirts and dresses that are bloodied, but the skin beneath them is fine.

"We have another one Miss Serena." one of the men say in a gruff tone. I'm carried by a man with a stocky frame and impressive muscles over to a pile of rocks covered in a cloth over to a tired looking little girl. She glances at me while rubbing her glowing hands over a boy's torso.


The boy has a serious gash on his stomach that pulls together as her glow seeps into his skin. I'm witnessing magic. I struggle in the man's grip to try get a closer look. In the end the exertion aggravates my wounds which makes me cough up blood and groan.

"Stop being impatient or you'll end up dying before you reach your eleventh summer." The man scalds me. Wait. Do I look young. How young? Didn't he say eleventh summer. As in I'm ten years old to them?! As I'm freaking out I hear a sniffle and see the men carry the boy over to a pile of still bodies.

I look over at the girl, she looks young. Possibly only ten or twelve. Her blond hair is a bit bloodied and dirty, it's tied up out of her face using a strip of cloth probably ripped from her simple yellow dress. I stop struggling. No wonder my body feels new. I'm a kid again. But wait, if I was born again shouldn't I be a baby.

"Put him down on the slab." Serena orders the man. I'm put on a slab and she immediately goes to work. she rubs her glowing hands on my body and I'm feeling warm. I like this feeling. I feel stronger, I hold onto her hands on my chest.

She looks at me in confusion, a blush tints her cheeks as she tries not looking down at my manhood. I find myself covering up reflexively with my free hand. My eyes suddenly change again to that light plane. I'm looking at her light, a soft green light that stirs from her core and spreads like a river throughout every area in her body; although it is really thin at the moment. Her green light is seeping into my blueish light and guides it to moving to shut the wound. It looks pretty cool. But...

...I can see that she is out of light, or nearing that point. I glance at the few dead bodies and don't see any light there. So no light equals death. She will be close to dying if she keeps healing me.

"Are there anymore?" she asks, still looking down at me. My eyes return to normal world viewing and I see the curiosity glinting beyond the exhaustion. She's going to dies if she keeps this up. What courage and stupidity.

I sit up. My wounds are fully healed, one of the men tosses me a pair of pants. I glance around and find a boy my age without trousers. I put on the dead boy's pants and try not thinking about it as he hands me a pair of worn out boots.

An ear splitting shriek fills the area.

*Humans, I'm bored with your resistance. Come face me like the men you claim to be!* A deep and powerful voice screeches.

I glance at everyone, some of them look scared and others try their best to look brave. The girl Serena looks brave.

"Everyone relax, Noah will come for us." She says. The name has a miracle effect on everyone. People have hopeful looks on their faces. I move towards the sound when a hand is placed on my shoulder.

"I need to speak to you." Serena says.

"About what?" I ask.

"About who exactly you are." she says.

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