Prologue: Death

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I shove my hands deeper in my pockets to protect them from the winter cold. It's snowing. I smile absently. Smiling is a rare thing in my life, or at least as genuine as this one. Sometimes in private I can actually smile and enjoy myself.

A deep sigh escapes my mouth and steams the air. I'm a loner by fate. No body likes me, no it goes deeper than that... Everyone knows me and actively avoids me. Ever since I entered highschool from middle school, those years were the hardest, but I managed. I stopped trying for everyone's attention and recognition; it's useless.

A few girls in a year below me are giggling and laughing, they glance my direction as they cross the road. One especially more than others. Her skin is snowy white and hair as black as a raven wing, with eyes of equal darkness. I look beyond her and the squad. Maybe I should tell you more about myself. I think I can see spirits. Because of it my parents died and so did anyone else who came into my life. Branded cursed by society, more than one attempts on my life were made in those days. People can be so cruel, at least when they have the physical advantage. I worked out and fought off all those spirits, preventing people from dying while at the same time only cementing my insanity to others. My hands could be registered as weapons that's how strong I am.

I run forward with everything I have, scaring all but the girl who stares at me intently with such a cute blush. I can't let her die. The creatures are never this clear, usually blobs of light or energy that I pummel out of existence. To be honest I don't remember much of my past. Only from the age of twelve onwards. The day of my parent's death. Pain interfered so it was best to leave it be.

"Move!" I yell and flip up. My sense of gravity inverts as my head points towards the ground. I move like a tornado and aim a spinning heel that hits the creature in the jaw.

It looks like how one might expect a ghost to, a sheet covering it's face and body with long white sleeves hiding who knows what. A rip in the fabric reveals a mouth full of jagged teeth, pale skin that could never have been human.

I see that thing fall into the ground and fade through. My hundredth kill none stop, a new world record for monster killing. Or at least without getting hurt.

"Watch out!" an erratic scream sounds. Blades extend from my chest and send blood splattering over the black haired girl from before. I cough and stare at her.

She could see them too.

"You can see them too?" I say. She nods with wide eyes. "Then you need to carry on protecting everyone, although I wish you could have come sooner so I wouldn't have been alone." I rasp dejectedly. Of course I'm just making up stories, no one came to me saying that I should protect my small hometown with my awesome physical abilities. If they had I would have asked for payment. In a split second the blades rip through my back and I do a back flip. My boot cracks the thing's skull. I land hard and pant desperately. I crawl over to the monster and take it's hand. It looks like Freddie Crouger on steroids. I use it's hand to stab into it's own chest. The thing screams and fades out of existence. I relax my body letting myself fall from my knees into the blood gushing out of my body. The girl is by my side, crying and cradling my head into her chest. So this is what they feel like. I know what you're thinking but no, I'm allowed at least one dirty thought before I die.

"I'm sorry, I saw what you did everyday and did nothing to help. I'm a coward and because of it you're gonna die." she snivels and pushes me deeper into her bosom. I'm suffocating but this death is preferable to the latter, she pets my black hair and puts her chin on my head. I would blush but I have no more blood to spare.

I feel something leave me. It then goes into her, a golden Chi that surrounds her and enters from all sides.

I drift out of consciousness while she screams in pain. I would help but I'm already starting to feel numb. I don't want to move, I can't move. I look up at the sky, this is what I wanted...

An escape from pain and misery...

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