The Plan

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    HER head throbbed, a pounding migraine that wouldn't stop. The mark on her cheek burned like it was on fire, and Decide tried to ease her eyes open. She could barely move her fingers, and her eyelids felt like they were made of lead.

Finally she managed to get them open, and the cold air around her hit her dried eyes and it hurt like hell. Her vision was so blurry she could barely see a foot in front of her, the edges fading to black.

She vaguely heard a yelp of surprise as she blinked once, then twice, and a fuzzy-looking Luca swam into view.

"Luca..?" she managed to croak. Oh- her throat was so dry... water... she needed water...

"Decide! You're awake!" the happy werewolf cried.

Soon, a shaking Petrouli entered into the room. "Decide!" he cried joyfully, tears streaming down his freckled face.

The two clung onto her, weeping. They stayed like that for a while until Decide began to cough, nearly hacking a lung out.

"Ah- what happened?" she asked nervously. Her memory was fuzzy. All she could remember was being attacked by all those vampyres... and the mysterious hunter, Arren, who saved her, before she'd passed out.

"You almost died," Luca sobbed. "We treated you as best we could, but it wasn't enough," more tears began to leak from his red-rimmed eyes.

"You weren't breathing," Petrouli murmured. "You had no pulse! You were dead for a long time! I didn't know if we could even bring you back!"

"We were doing chest compressions for an hour," Luca spoke. "Then when it wasn't working Petrouli rushed to get a castle physician. He came back with the prince..."

"The prince brought the High Priestess with him!" Petrouli jumped in. "With her powers she was able to save you. I don't know exactly what she did but it saved you!"

"Yeah, it was super scary..." Luca breathed. "All the lights went out at once, when she touched you," Petrouli nodded fiercely. "It seemed like she was shoving all kinds of darkness into you! But that's gotta be her cool light magick, right? It was so cool... but scary."

Decide frowned, then flinched in pain. "She- she put darkness into me? What the hell? Why'd you let her touch me? That stupid bitch could have made everything worse,"

"But she healed you! So it's fine, right?" Luca looked concerned.

"I guess," Decide grumbled, relaxing into the bed.

The two boys stayed by her side for hours, bringing her water, food, ointments, bandages... they kept up a lively conversation, but the huntress could clearly see the underlying fear in their eyes. She was so incredibly grateful for what they'd done. They'd saved her life.

But what was most prominent on her mind was not her own well-being- it was the dark hunter. Arren of Ash, he'd called himself.

If he was the same Arren that she'd heard of, then his abilities were on par with her own. The legendary hunter Arren only used a longbow and ash arrows, and had mysterious magick powers that no one seemed to know how to classify. He could do a lot of things with his magick, but he was neither a sorcerer nor a bloodmage. He was something else... something else powerful and ancient.

"Could I perhaps get a drink?" Decide coughed.

"Coming right up," Luca rushed down to the tavern, leaving Petrouli behind with the bedridden huntress.

"Ah! I just remembered," the young Oracle began. "The prince left something behind for you. A note. He said that only you are allowed to read it. Here," he handed her a scroll of parchment, sealed with red wax.

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